Generally I would say no worries, but on my way through Bolivia in the past I was there for only 2 days and had about $8k~ in small bills (large wads), when I got to customs in La Paz airport the guy opened my backpack and started taking out wads and didn't even look how much was there, instantly called security to take my checked luggage off the plane and brought me down to the runway. Cut my bag open in the pissing rain in front of the entire terminal and started rifling through all of my stuff, opened my tea bags and gravy from home in the rain and eventually let me go. On changing flights in Sucre when I got to customs they took out the same wads and the douche bag misread $250 on one envelope to be $2,500 and insisted I had more than $10k and made me count all of one the envelopes that didn't have an amount written on it which came to about $1,000. That was the edgiest flight and wait for boarding I've ever had as at least 20 people saw me count out the money. In Argentina they asked if I had money and I said yes and she said do you have any on you now, I just took out a wad and she smiled and said go on through she didn't even check my bag.