Left my passport in an unregestered taxi and leaving the country!!HELP!

Just tonight I was told how boring my life must be here by one of the moderartors of this website.

Yesterday my DNI fell out of my pocket in front of one of the local shops as I was getting into my car. Two hours later the local police returned it to me at my house.

That has nothing to do with being bored. It just shows how nice my neighbors are (including the police).

I love being here and I love helping others deal with life in Argentina...even from a distance.
As well as contacting the embassy, also contact the Tourist Police. They have people who speak English, and are used to dealing with upset foreigners. They may be able to check for you if the passport has been handed in somewhere (eg a normal police station). It's unlikely, but possible. They are at Corrientes 436, Tel 4346 5748 or 0800 999 5000. It is wise to have a police report of the loss as your passport may be used for fraudulent purposes if it ends up in the wrong hands. Although reporting it to your embassy probably protects you, quickly reporting it to the police may help protect others.
You HAVE to go to the police to report that you lost it. Otherwise, you may not be able to get out of the country.

You have to go to the police, report it, and then they give you what is called a "denuncia" that says that you lost your passport. If you try to leave the country without a denuncia and no entry stamp in your new passport, there is a chance that they may not let you out of the country.

I had my passport, debit card, cellphone and almost all my cash taken form my pocket at one point (needed it all to pay my health insurance which I subsequently lost because I couldn't pay) and it was an awful experience. But I went to the police station and filed to get a denuncia. It is fairly easy to do, but it may take a while.

I also went to the embassy to get a new passport, but since I was not leaving soon I received a real passport.

I am sorry that this happened to you. I hope that everything from here on out goes well for you! Best of luck!