Life in USA vs. Argentina

I ride BART regularly. It's not fair to compare it with the Subte because BART is a regional transportation system - the suburban trains to Buenos Aires province would be a fairer comparison in which BART is light years ahead. And, while BART has infrequent if sometimes contentious strikes, its employees don't sabotage the system.

Then why did you bring up BART?

You should have brought up SFMUNI, which is "almost" as disfunctional as the Subte.
Well,call me an eternal optimist but as Yogi Berra once said,"It ain't over 'til it's over".I'm still hoping for a "game change" this Oct.What else can we do? As previously said by several expats,you almost can not survive here without an income in hard currency.How true! At 73,luckily,I am both a U.S. retiree and an Argentine "jubilado" own my app't. and have savings in U$D.Therefore,I plan to stick it out.At least,there'll be some change of gov't in 2016.
Then why did you bring up BART?

You should have brought up SFMUNI, which is "almost" as disfunctional as the Subte.

Because I only go to SF if I need to go the airport, or to
I am forced to stay a few hours, perhaps days, in Miami and/or New York City. Can anyone recommend any quaint inexpensive town near either luxury ghetto where I can breath in the air of freedom for no more than 72 hours? if I stay longer my allergies flare up....
I am forced to stay a few hours, perhaps days, in Miami and/or New York City. Can anyone recommend any quaint inexpensive town near either luxury ghetto where I can breath in the air of freedom for no more than 72 hours? if I stay longer my allergies flare up....
I am forced to stay a few hours, perhaps days, in Miami and/or New York City. Can anyone recommend any quaint inexpensive town near either luxury ghetto where I can breath in the air of freedom for no more than 72 hours? if I stay longer my allergies flare up....

Perhaps Homestead? I've only passed through the town, but it's very close to Everglades National Park, which is well worth seeing.
I was thinking Marathon, Homestead is probably a lot less expensive and I finally get to see something close to the Ibera
I was thinking Marathon, Homestead is probably a lot less expensive and I finally get to see something close to the Ibera

I had an oceanside campground all to myself, with dolphins leaping in the water just offshore.

Mind you, I did that in winter. It's getting hot, wet and sticky in Florida right now. Probably lotsa skeeters, too.
I had an oceanside campground all to myself, with dolphins leaping in the water just offshore.

Mind you, I did that in winter. It's getting hot, wet and sticky in Florida right now. Probably lotsa skeeters, too.

I was thinking of just pitching a tent and no car. Weather is why I think the keys are only option in Florida.

I'm also compiling a list of reasons to answer when I am asked: Why do I hate America. The rules are simple: no obvious crimes against humanity like ("bombed Eyeraq" or "Jimmy Fallon")

1) Wine Ice Cubes from Leftover Wine


Freezing is an accepted general-purpose final solution in America. Believing that Walt Disney's body is frozen is the adult equivalent of Santa.
On occasion, cliches have exceptions.

This is a photo of the lot across the street from my house:


This is a photo of my backyard (taken the same time of year):


It isn't easy being green.

Fantasyland, where all the bitcoins are made of chocolate!