I havent worked directly for BART, but I have worked for five different light rail systems across the USA, and am under contract for a job on another right now.
All have some Federal Funding, and ZERO day to day "governing" from the Federal government.
Huge swaths of my life have been spent with transit system bureaucrats, and, unfortunately, they are locally run.
But a good conspiracy is always fun.
Me, I am sure that the Waco biker thing was actually just an internal scuffle between two factions of Jade Helm- the Bandidos are obviously ISIS terrorists from their base in northern Mexico, and the Cossacks are Acorn Storm Troopers led by Alinsky in Chicago.
Luckily, Hillary sent down her Benghazi Brigade of UN troops, disguised as Waco Police, to break it up, so they could all get back to the main agenda of taking away the guns of law abiding citizens, and imprisoning them below abandoned Walmarts.
But I digress- of course the Kenyan Muslim Usurper personally drives the trains on Bart.
(Actually, now that I think of it, I spent 3 years or so working on the San Jose light rail, which is an extension of BART, and connected both physically and administratively. And I still never saw a single federal employee, directive, or influence, beyond the usual federal labor laws.)