Living In Ba

Hey guys

Im a young, English speaking person, looking for a part time job at least 1-2k dollar equivalent per month, more would be better but I can settle for less if I have to.I just moved to BA before christmas and have about 4-500 usd saved up, I figure it could keep me going for about 3-4 months as long as I dont go crazy. Also, I would like to open a bank account here so I can transfer money at the official rate and make money on the brecha, how do I do this?

Anyway thanks for the advice and please respond quickly as I would like to work as soon as possible.

Does anyone else think this post is a hoax?

Anyone who already moved to BA would know that $500 USD would not last much more than one month, let alone 3-4 months.

The question about the bank account and transferring money at the official rate in order to make money is, in my opinion, intentionally absurd.
By the time I left Argentina in March, I was probably not making much more than the equivalent of 2000 USD per month in pesos working full time for a US multinational. It's one thing to dream, yet another to be delusional. And yet another to be a BAXPats troll. Is this Musicman's other account?
Does anyone else think this post is a hoax? Anyone who already moved to BA would know that $500 USD would not last much more than one month, let alone 3-4 months. The question about the bank account and transferring money at the official rate in order to make money is, in my opinion, intentionally absurd.
Yep, agree with the two of you, this seems fake. Just someone wanting to stir the pot a little!
I's like a Ferrari case or living with 100K ? :cool:

You're right. It's about as believable as someone asking if they can retire at 50 on two million dollars ('cause the kids just left home) and live in a penthouse apartment with a helipad in Puerto Madero or on Av Libertador. Of course that is something that may only be possible if they leave the Ferrari in Huston and can fall back on a career as a professional soccer agent when they run low on the dough.
We should atleast as experience xpats give him a strategy...

Keep the 5K in the bank spend as little as you can. Find one of those low paying jobs and work hard for about 6 to 8 months. Then start slacking off and making problems in the office so they have to fire you. The day you get fired get a lawyer and demand 1 year of your salary as severance but settle for 6 or 8 months. Then just repeat this process.

If that does not work buy a moto and put a go pro on your helmet and rob someone on the moto while recording it. Then post that on Facebook or Youtube odds are you will end up as celebrity after that.

You see, you just have to do things the Argnentinian way down here.
It can often be difficult to tell the trolls from the truly innocent and wide-eyed.

I do wonder how many young people come here with a little bit of money to spend, doing it on the cheap and have this idea that they can just start working almost right away to make more money, stay here and party like Argentinos for the next year or two. I remember when I first came here, how completely un-ready I was for some of the finer details of life here, including some of the stupid labor laws that helped to work to keep wages so low here and rental laws that made it difficult to find a decent long-term place to live. Not to mention the fact that it's nearly impossible to get a bank account without a DNI (or precaria) and even then almost completely impossible to get money sent down here through that bank account.

Considering that the OP hasn't replied yet, if he's a troll, he probably didn't get much fun out of it. If he isn't, I'd suggest getting back on the plane as soon as possible to return - unless the $400-500 was a mistype and he meant $4000-5000 USD he has in savings...then he's got a few months to work out how things work here.
You're going to have settle for less because there's no part-time job here that pays 1-2k US per month, except maybe a taxi boy. Just because you speak English doesn't mean they'll automatically hire you over a bilingual Argentine. The locals that have a bachelor's degree and are well-educated generally are quite proficient in English.

$500 USD might might keep you comfy for half a month. Or did you mean $5,000 US? In order to open a bank account, most banks require that you have a DNI and a monthly salary or proof of income. There was a thread last week about how to open a bank account without a DNI.

What did you mean by transfer money at the official rate and make money on that? If you transfer a $100 US from your account abroad to Argentina, they'll give you $850 pesos (official rate), not $1,300 pesos (the blue rate). Plus, the money will most likely be held up in Banco Central for several months before releasing it to you in small increments.

Do taxi boys here make that? I know a guy in Brazil who makes equivalent of maybe $4000/month but he's very handsome, and most there don't make nearly that much. What's the market here?
To answer first post, if you're not trolling, the only way to do what you want is to somehow make money online abroad, not in Argentina. There are some forums and so on that teach you how you can start doing that, but you will need some time to set something up.
Do taxi boys here make that? I know a guy in Brazil who makes equivalent of maybe $4000/month but he's very handsome, and most there don't make nearly that much. What's the market here?

The taxi boys I know actually make their money traveling outside of Argentina and bring back euros or dollars. Before they used to make good money here, but times are tough now. They also have to provide for their families.
I should open a remis boy agency, same as taxi boys but cheaper ,,,, and not so well kept...... and not as pretty or newer models......and not licensed.......and will get paid in australes........ this crisis is affecting everyone, better be ready with the right investments :)