

Jan 1, 2008
I realize that there are locksmiths on every corner. I need a really good replacement lock for my apartment (we were broken into recently) and would like to find a store that has a great selection of locks. Any suggestions would be appreciated. We are in the Palermo viajo area.

TomAtAlki said:
I realize that there are locksmiths on every corner. I need a really good replacement lock for my apartment (we were broken into recently) and would like to find a store that has a great selection of locks. Any suggestions would be appreciated. We are in the Palermo viajo area.



  • Dirección: Av. Bullrich 345; C1425FTD Cap. Fed. - Palermo - Portal Palermo - Buenos Aires
  • Teléfono: Venta Telefónica 0810-999-3279 / 4778-8086
  • Horarios de Atención: Lunes a Domingo: 8:00 a 22:00
easy only stocks low priced crap.

I would recommend going down to the contractors hardware neighborhood, which is Sarmiento near Callao- there are a few blocks of competing dealers in contractors hardware, and you can look at the widest range of brands and styles there.
TomAtAlki said:
I realize that there are locksmiths on every corner. I need a really good replacement lock for my apartment (we were broken into recently) and would like to find a store that has a great selection of locks. Any suggestions would be appreciated. We are in the Palermo viajo area.

I don't know about anything in the Palermo area, but if you don't mind going out a bit farther there is a shop on Nazca 2432 that have really great product lines, and the service is right-on. (http://www.lacasahnos.com.ar)
I've been to a lot of locksmith shops and this one has everything and more. The website doesn't do it justice and the products catalog is only the tip of the iceberg compared to what you get when you walk into the place.

I when there a couple of days ago to look for double-action hinges for a project. I had been to several other places and this was the only one that had them, and different lines to choose from.
check this one out:
In reading stories about recent apartment break-ins it appears that many are done by breaking the door with a "barretta". Does anybody know if there is a specific type of lock that would be resistant to this type of break-in?
surfing said:
In reading stories about recent apartment break-ins it appears that many are done by breaking the door with a "barretta". Does anybody know if there is a specific type of lock that would be resistant to this type of break-in?
Barretta as in an Italian pistol?
If you're near the Botánico, check the Cerrajería Romero on Araoz just west of Güemes (next door to the Marroco bakery). Romero is both knowledgeable and trustworthy. He will install about any make of high-security lock available here.
We were broken in with a crow bar, is that what you are talking about?
jimdepalermo said:
Barretta as in an Italian pistol?
that would be a beretta
TomAtAlki said:
We were broken in with a crow bar, is that what you are talking about?
yes, that exactly is a barreta.
Our solution was to install 2 deadbolts, one high and one low so together with the central latch/deadbolt I think we are fairly secure. Oh yea, we also installed an alarm system and a security camera. :=).