Looking For A Female Frenchie

This is soo funny...we do interpret things thru our own lens! My son has a "Frenchie" and from the moment I read the title I expected what the thread was about! Notwithstanding that a valued forum member has the same name!
The vast majority of pet owners in BsAs do not neuter their dogs or cats. And it is also a widespread belief here that a bitch should have a litter before being neutered. Truth is I have yet to meet a dog here who IS spayed outside of my own. And then people are always asking me why I spayed her!.....different culture different ideas.

Argentina is far behind the times on this, and that's one reason feral cats and dogs are such a public health problem.
The vast majority of pet owners in BsAs do not neuter their dogs or cats. And it is also a widespread belief here that a bitch should have a litter before being neutered. Truth is I have yet to meet a dog here who IS spayed outside of my own. And then people are always asking me why I spayed her!.....different culture different ideas.

Down here in the south of Prov. Bs.As. there is a traveling "operating room" that does nothing but spay (what they do to girl dogs) and neuter(what they do to boy dogs).

It's actually a relatively small travel trailer that looks like a carnival wagon thanks to it's colorful paint job. It comes around about twice a year, keeping the population of free range doggies under control, at least to some extent.

Perhaps some parts of Argentina aren't as far behind the times as some know-it-alls think.

Down here in the south of Prov. Bs.As. there is a traveling "operating room" that does nothing but spay (what they do to girl dogs) and neuter(what they do to boy dogs).

It's actually a relatively small travel trailer that looks like a carnival wagon thanks to it's colorful paint job. It comes around about twice a year, keeping the population of free range doggies under control, at least to some extent.

Perhaps some parts of Argentina aren't as far behind the times as some know-it-alls think.


So, it's encouraging to see you're not willfully ignorant of everything. Still, this is a major exception to the rule in Argentina.
Lucha 54 This was not meant to start a debate on whether or not dogs should be castrated- I am of the belief that yes they should and you should go and adopt a mongrel. However, as the dog is not mine and I thought this was an open forum it was worth a chance.....why are you so offended by the topic?! Why is the title misleading? Don't you have anything better to do than complain about something you clearly have no clue about or interest in- as lacoqueta said the majority of dog owners here do not castrate them and therefore there is a possibility that someone does know someone!!!! Stop being a grouch.