Looking For A Hamam (Turkish Bath)

There are many photos leaked on internet, of Nisman was having parties with many young girls.
He did have a good time, like any well to do Argentine man, and he paid IT guy well for not doing anything.
But that should not have anything to do with his investigation.

Besides he was using for it the money of the investigation he suppouse to do and, seems that he was receiven payback of the salary of his employeds. But this is off-topic.
How one gets off the track on these threads! So I will now, too!
Morocco is not under YET any islamic threat Al Ham Del allah!
I was a few years ago in my opinion and I have traveled the world it is a beautful country but it is one place where I dont trust the locals at all! I know thats a generalization but each time I go there I feel the same thing. I was recently in Algeria which is also beautiful but now not too good to visit when I was there on the first day, a guy in the Algiers casbah ripped off the small chain I was wearing everyone tells you the casbah is even dangerous for Algerians on the whol, though, I found them very friendly.
Virtually no tourists in the country..visas very hard to get!
The best hammams I have been to were in Syria and Turkey.. Turkey still very doable, Syria very sad to say NO LONGER!
Actually, a Hamam is not just a sauna or steam bath. There is usually a series of baths. They also have massage, typically by a burly guy named Assad. And they use soap, not oil. There was one is Mendoza that was great. One of the best baths and massages I've gotten in a non-Muslim country. Had a rocking one in Morroco in 1996 before the extremists took control. Can't go there now. :(

Colmegna has dry and wet sauna, a very cold water swimming pool and a warm one.
GS, Turkish hammams is good. But have you tried termas in Brazil ? Pretty much same thing ? Except the person who is rubbing your body is a female :)
You need that too, perhaps.