Looking For Advice/help From Seasoned Expats


Jul 18, 2013
So I currently am living in the USA, but am looking to come to BS AS in a few months, probably around march. I lived already in the patagonia for close to 2 years, but obviously its way different south than in the north. I think it would be helpful to give a little story about why I am coming, so that you all can give me some advice on what to do, and help with some questions I could not find here on the board.

So currently I am going back to school to redo a bachelors degree, I have one in psychology (useless!), but would like to go into international business and I need to finish off some prerequisite courses to get into the program I want. I am low on money, well broke almost! So I was planning to just take out student loans and bite the bullet, until this idea come to mind. The courses for the business classes I can take online from an American institution, and will probably do so for getting federal subsidized loans to pay for it for the time being. I was thinking of just doing free studies in BS AS at the UBA, but overall I think its better for my situation to study online for the undergraduate part (its like $4500 dollars a semester anyhow, not much to finish). I will probably do my MBA in the states, so an undergraduate degree from the states is probably going to help me more. If this is not the case please help me! Also it could be a possibility to do my MBA courses at the UBA (I would enjoy that), but I am not very informed on that process, so if you are please shoot me a bit of information. Is an MBA from arg going to do me much good in the states, reputable?

Ultimately I was looking at the cost of living in the states, compared to what I could do in BS AS, and well, it just makes sense finically to move, plus I want to get near fluent at spanish and I cant do that to well here. Kill 2 birds with one stone right? I already have a friend who is going to study at UBA who is from Arg, he said he has a room in a 4 person apt in palmero (i know them all a little already, so its safe room mates). They pay 1500 pesos a month, so my share would be around 500 a month (cant rent a hotel for 2 days in the states for that!). I understand it is a safe barrio, but I am still a little weary because the cost is so low... my friend said its safe, but well he is still argentine and has different standards (I scream gringo so there is no blending for me and ive been robbed, and constantly harassed in the south). I assume the rents low because hes renting long term and is a native, so the landlord isnt giving him the gringo rate haha. Seemed to good to be true though after seeing the avg palmero apt go for 800 dollars. Is it really possible to get a decent apt there at that price for locals? Would it be safe really?

I was number crunching and came to the conclusion that (outside of tuition) my living expenses in the states would be close to 1000 a month (rent, car is a must, food, utilities, dating), and thats being frugal for me. I dont like to work more than 20 hrs a week while in school, or my grades suffer, so obviously loans are a must. However, if i live in BS AS with my friend, its something like 500 pesos for rent, probably 1500 a month on food, 1000 on going out, and maybe 500 on transportation a month. Overall not to bad, like 3500 pesos, or 500 dollars, half the cost! I would probably do some private tutoring to cover those expenses, so I could realistically break even on living expenses, only having a small amount of debt from tuition, much better than 1000U$ a month if i stay in the states. I already have 2 yrs experience teaching in the south, and enjoyed it, I assume I could bring in 70 pesos an hr, so 50 hrs a month and im good (not to unrealistic in BS AS, ya?). The ideal however will be to obtain a good 10-12 dollar an hr job I can do from my computer while im down there and just have the american company do direct deposit, then go to uruguay every 3 months and take it out. Anyone do this, or have knowledge on how this works?

Now with that said, some technical questions.

1.) I have a DNI but my understanding is they expire every year, and you have to renew them. How do you do this, and as always im sure there is a cost? Also if I already have a DNI and wish to go to UBA for my masters program, is it still required to get a student visa? My Arg. friend said if you have a DNI your a citizen, but I think he may be confused, because I was never told that, so being a citizen already would come as news to me haha! Also, how do you go about getting dual citizenship? Its something that interest me, but I want to live in the states once I have kids, but it would be nice to go between the 2 countries all the time and I am sure when i start businesses it will uncomplicate things. I do plan to marry an Arg girl, so I know at that point it wont matter, but until then....

2.) Can I use an american iPhone, with an arg moviestar chip? I am looking at getting an iphone, and if this is possible, even better! If not, I already have a cheap, grandfathered plan with verizon for unlimited everything, including international calls, for 70 a month.. maybe i should just keep that? does verizon even get service down there haha?

3.) To cover the cost of tickets, and initial upstart cost I was going to bring some electronics to sell, have friends that want them anyhow, so it helps us both. But outside of that, what are some good money making ones that customs wont bug you about?

4.) I was going to carry around $6,000 in cash into the country, but am nervous to do so (theft, etc). Is there a way to get a storage box in banks there? I dont want to leave that much money lying around in my room haha, even though they are friends, if they found out I had that much, it could cause issues.

5.) Whats the cheapest month to fly? Can I book my tickets 18 months apart? The sites i used showed like 1000 for one way, and 1600 for roundtrip, so obviously id like round trip (but it only went like 3 months out), but do they even do that for long stays?

6.) My stay would be a total of 18 months, if I go back to the states for my MBA, if not obviously add 2 years. I already have to do the school stuff, and that obviously doesnt change where I live in the world, thats the beauty of online courses! However, coming to ARG. is more of a social thing for me. I get to perfect the language, meet some good looking women, not work so hard to have a mid class lifestyle, its really kinda like a extended half vacation in my mind... maybe i am overly optimistic! What can i look forward to experiencing in 18 months in BS AS?

Well that is a lot of stuff... I hope you can help with one part, I am still making up my mind about it. I am obsessive about planing, so everything has to be in order before I go or I will probably just chicken out, so thats why I am starting early to get it all together. Sadly I know ARG laws change a lot, but I can atleast do my part for now! Mainly I just want to have fun, while saving money as an undergraduate, seemed like a good idea on paper :D
I might use that paper in the bathroom. Summary: you won't have a "mid-class lifestyle" if you are almost broke and hoping to make some living money by selling used electronics. You need a better plan that the one you've presented here.

The good looking women here are expensive.
I don't even know where to start.... GS Dirtboy kind of summed it up, go back to the drawing board.
- UBA is a bureaucratic nightmare. Not sure if it is free for people that are not from Mercosur? I think as someone from the states you would have to get a student visa and pay a small fee. Could be wrong.

- 500 pesos in Palermo seems insanely cheap. A 4 bedroom apt in Palermo rents for minimum of 5000 pesos (for Argentines) never mind the building expenses and the bills (cable, water, lights etc). I would double check that!! Look on www.argenprop.com to get an idea. But yes Palermo is a great neighbourhood. Lots of expats live in or nearby.

- 1000 pesos for going out is NOTHING. A dinner at a normal restaurant (nothing fancy) will probably cost you about 120 pesos.

- most institutes are not offering 70 pesos an hour. if you look on craigslist i think that most places offer around 50 pesos an hour and getting 50 hours a month takes a while to build up.


1) Having a DNI does not mean you have citizenship! How did you get the DNI will depend on whether it is still valid or not. Is it a temporary one or a permanent one? Did you get it through work? If you dont work there anymore then once its expired I dont think you can renew it. Need to provide more info.

2) You can bring a unlocked phone and use it here. Would advise against an Iphone as they are in the habit of being stolen here.

3) If your friends want electronics great. Otherwise it can be quite difficult to resell things here and some people have been ripped off by buyers in the past.

4) Good idea to bring cash as you can get the blue rate but not sure about where the best place is to keep it to be honest. I would agree with not telling your friends about it though!

5) There are several websites where you can play around with dates and see when is the best time to fly. LAN for example is currently having a special between the States and Argentina. You need to look around. Maybe go into a travel agency or airline and talk to them about it. Whatever you do DO NOT book a one way ticket here!!!!

6) That would depend on you.
I just... I just LOVE posts like this. They are good for a laugh. As far as help... hmmm don't even know where to start!

1500 pesos for an apt in Palermo. Are you sure it's not 1500 pesos per room? Because if it's 1500 pesos total, well, welcome to the crackhouse. I just don't think it's possible to get a place for that price anymore. 1500 pesos doesn't even get you a 1 bedroom, even on a 2yr contract; maybe it gets you a 350sq ft studio. It's about 3800-4500 for a 2 bedroom in Palermo on a 2 yr contract plus building expensas last I looked (we always are looking for garages, so perhaps sin cochera you could get a bit cheaper). But that's for 2 bedrooms. So what, one guy in the living room and another in a kitchen? I don't know a lot of Argentines that want to share bedrooms in apts, especially with people they don't know, so I'm going to assume this is a pretty scuzzy living situation.
- UBA is a bureaucratic nightmare. Not sure if it is free for people that are not from Mercosur? I think as someone from the states you would have to get a student visa and pay a small fee. Could be wrong.

- 500 pesos in Palermo seems insanely cheap. A 4 bedroom apt in Palermo rents for minimum of 5000 pesos (for Argentines) never mind the building expenses and the bills (cable, water, lights etc). I would double check that!! Look on www.argenprop.com to get an idea. But yes Palermo is a great neighbourhood. Lots of expats live in or nearby.

4 bedroom for 5000? Not these days, more like a 2 bedroom.
syngirl - i went on argenprop and put in 'menor precio' and that was the lowest price i saw. i agree 5000 pesos is ridiculously cheap for a 4 bedroom. maybe it was one of those apts that they list as palermo but is really in another neighbourhood.
Since you asked:
Would advise that under no circumstance should you take out any student loans. The return on your investment would be (most likely) enslavement for years to come in paying off the high interest loans. Talk to other graduates about their post graduate reality. For most, it ain't pretty. Huge amounts of debt and no jobs or low-paying jobs. Many are caught up in the muck of student loan debt that they can never escape. May be timely to do a bit more research. Perhaps contemplate what you really want to do in your life before taking on the economic burdens of obtaining a new degree that may turn out to be worthless. Getting an education does not have to cost a fortune. Steven Jobs' pursuit of education was on his own terms and things turned out okay for him. Be creative, courageous and look for alternatives. Best of luck.