Since you asked:
Would advise that under no circumstance should you take out any student loans. The return on your investment would be (most likely) enslavement for years to come in paying off the high interest loans. Talk to other graduates about their post graduate reality. For most, it ain't pretty. Huge amounts of debt and no jobs or low-paying jobs. Many are caught up in the muck of student loan debt that they can never escape. May be timely to do a bit more research. Perhaps contemplate what you really want to do in your life before taking on the economic burdens of obtaining a new degree that may turn out to be worthless. Getting an education does not have to cost a fortune. Steven Jobs' pursuit of education was on his own terms and things turned out okay for him. Be creative, courageous and look for alternatives. Best of luck.
Such great advice. What are the real motivations for studying anyway, if you won't be able to afford to pay back the cost of it? Pretty ironic if you study international business and can't even get a job to pay off the acquisition of knowledge that was supposed to prepare you for the workforce!!! Sad state the world is in