Looking For Advice/help From Seasoned Expats


You're young (or at least you sound young), set aside enough money for a return ticket back to the US and put it in a bank account and never touch it for anything other than that ticket. Then come on down here. Even if nothing goes as you planned (and it probably won't) and if you end up having to go back to the US all you'll have lost is money (which you can always earn back) and you'll have gained an amazing life experience.

Don't let us get you down, we're poking at the holes in your plan because they're giant and gaping and are covered with neon signs saying "poke me". Remember the greatest adventures never result from carefully made plans that work out exactly as you hoped.

I don't want to sound too much like your mom but....Get well acquainted with the names Prime and Tulipan or you'll end up getting blasted by a bunch of overly sensitive nincompoops when you're crudely lamenting your situation to strangers on the internet.
Well I guess I am maybe a little hard on myself with the spanish, I can maintain a conversation with not many pauses. I talk with old friends on skype constantly, and they all say I speak well enough haha, we never have many issues. If i dont know a word I can just ask them to define it and figure it out, so dating wont be to hard :D it might actually be fun like that haha.

so maybe a middle class lifestyle is not happening, but i should be able to at least live comfortably, well more so than here i assume.
Well I guess I am maybe a little hard on myself with the spanish, I can maintain a conversation with not many pauses. I talk with old friends on skype constantly, and they all say I speak well enough haha, we never have many issues. If i dont know a word I can just ask them to define it and figure it out, so dating wont be to hard :D it might actually be fun like that haha.

so maybe a middle class lifestyle is not happening, but i should be able to at least live comfortably, well more so than here i assume.

Dating is not going to pay the bills but, and anyway your native english is going to be more attractive than beginner/intermediate spanish.

And just be careful of which girls you choose, a member of this forum Fried Turkey allegedly had a bit of bad luck with a young lady he got to know after quote (from memory) a night of "whiskey and fernet". I guess he wouldn't be the first (nor the last).
Spanish in Capital is a whole different rhythm, it is a bit of a baptism of fire for most, portenos speak much faster than their compatriots so don't be surprised if your head is spinning for a bit!

As stated above you have little risk right now, you never know what will happen. I myself arrived here for what was supposed to be a 3 month stay. I've ended up staying only slightly longer -- on my 92nd month now, jaja.
so maybe a middle class lifestyle is not happening, but i should be able to at least live comfortably, well more so than here i assume.

Well that really depends on what products and services you want/need to live comfortably!! A LOT of things (items and activities) are more expensive here than in the states.... read the tens of thousands of posts on this forum for more info on this point.