Los paises mas corruptos del mundo

I said what I have to say and need to be said because someone had to stop and stand up over all that stupid nonsense crap. I won't waste more time with people like you who are blind, deaf and mute.
That's all, good bye.
jazrgz said:
First of all, are you in anyway suggesting I support the military regime ??
Also, the only idiot trying to keep the status quo is you. Colonialism happend a long time ago. We are a republic and we have free elections hence we put the polititians that will later on decide the course of our country. If by your theory the rest of the evil world is trying to destroy us by injecting corruption and poverty (nice hollywood movie by the way) is only because polititians we elected allow that to happen.

I don't think you support any military regime. I do however think you are very naive and ignorant. That the CIA has funded dictatorships and overthrown democratically elected governments is historically documented and even admitted by the U.S itself.
You see, they don't even have to bribe your politicians, the threat of an assassination or a military coup is enough.
And while it's true that colonialism happened a long time ago, it still exists today but now in the slightly more advanced form of imperialism instead.

And btw, calling people idiots and telling them to "go and fuck yourself" doesn't really help your argument.
cabrera said:
Your arrogance shows Mr New Zealand a country that must win the award for the most hypocritical society on the planet . Corruption is a very easy term to dismiss a society and demonise a people for political reasons and if we really define corruption New Zealand , Australia, USA, Norway , and many others would be much higher than Argentina.

How many wars has Argentina committed itself too ? Are we currently in Iraq, Afghanistan and other wars that New Zealand under the banner of Anzac has supported . It always follows its Masters Orders.

New Zealand must win the grand prize for the lap dog of the world and its glorious celebration of the Anzacs shows it respect for the cruelty of war. Lies and more lies were fed to us about Iraq, Afghanistan and many other wars and New Zealand like Australia still committed its praised soldiers to commit crimes and destruction on innocent peoples . There is no worse corruption nor worse human crime than those committed in lies and deceit.

How many dictators has Argentina supported freely ? Those governments were imposed on us by outsiders like Henry kissinger and his band of evil men that supposedly are once again from the freedom loving west .

Geez give us a break ..............................
Why oh why do Argentines always blame someone else for their problems?
ghost said:
Why oh why do Argentines always blame someone else for their problems?

Because it isn't just their fault. Read the thread from the beginning and if you disagree with it, let us know why.
orwellian said:
I don't think you support any military regime. I do however think you are very naive and ignorant. That the CIA has funded dictatorships and overthrown democratically elected governments is historically documented and even admitted by the U.S itself.
You see, they don't even have to bribe your politicians, the threat of an assassination or a military coup is enough.
And while it's true that colonialism happened a long time ago, it still exists today but now in the slightly more advanced form of imperialism instead.

And btw, calling people idiots and telling them to "go and fuck yourself" doesn't really help your argument.

Events you are mentioning took palce many decades ago. Besides there´s lots of things documented like for instance, the terrorist attacks and the existance of the guerrilla during those times being totally in alliance with the CIA´s special interest in funding a Dictatorship in Argentina. these acts were taking place way before the military took over. Because of these attacks (were innocent ppl was being killed, kidanpped and tortured) when the crazy heads of the army decided to take over the gvnt the ppl in general supported them (obviously not knowing what was coming ahead..for the most part that is). Again, the main characters in this plot are still argentinians whether the Us enouraged it or not (I have not read anywhere that the Us admitted to this type of support though I have not done deep research on this so Im not saying it didnt happen) it makes no difference or very little.
Take our current situation. There´s no guerrillas acting or attacking, there´s lots of poverty and corruption but no guerrillas. Do you think that the almighty US could start a Military coup ? It cannot happen, as much as they would love (again, supposedly) to see Kirchners fall and take over our resources and many other theories they would not be able to start a dictatoship simply because the needed characters are not there anymore. No guerrillas, no murders and bombings, hence, no support whatsoever from anybody.
Assasination threats ? would they kill Nestor kirchner ? that would only turn him into a martir and would turn lots of ppl to his cause. Kill someone close to him ? his response would be go ahead, pls do..again, strengthen his cause.
There is indeed though many pressure coming from the world powers, that´s something that has always been there but other countries similar to ours have been able to overcome that pressure and start taking command of their countries regardless. They keep tapping different territories to enter and do their thing. Argentina with this corrupted govnt and the general lawless state is heaven to these powers (not govnts necessarily but certainly corporations if there´s any difference). They can come in and do whatever they want as long as they give their cut to the ppl running the show here.
So, either Kirchners are in on it with the evil US and its evil plan or strongly opposing them but by some miracle without any overthrwoing actions against him.
Either way the end result is the same. Kirchner = filthy rich / ppl = poor and ignorant - Conclusion: Our problems are either entirely or at least for the most part our own responsibility since this guy has been put there by us through free democratic elections.
Had we elected someone opposite to Kirchner (im only naming K but we can also include in this category Menem and countless other second line polititians, congressmen, judges, etc) who actually cared about the country and was honest (or as honest as a polititian can be) then not all the money in the world could have influenced him/her on selling out the country and its ppl.
About the name calling thing, I was not trying to help my argument, i was simply responding to a completely unfounded accusation where i was directly portraid as a Genocide supporter, not to subtle but still the right kind of response to such accusation.
And about me being naive and ignorant, keep in mind we all are, I would not consider wise to believe one has the truth and whoever does not agree is ignorant, specially with historic events where many shady things ocurred. There´s no way in the world you or I or anybody else for that matter can know what really happend, we can only gather as much info as possible, focus on known facts and then come to conclusions. I do respect your point of view on this subject and there´s many locals (i would say a mayority of argies) completaly agree with you but there´s not many facts there though many allegations (for instance, these worldwide evil powers, altough their existance is of common knowledge i seriously doubt anybody can put a name/tag on them based on proven facts of course).

Ghost: Not every argentine blames others for our problems !

A lot of it happened a long time ago, because it was a period with a lot of social unrest. But it still happens today. Take the coup attempt in Venezuela 2002 for example.

To answer your question I do not think they would start a military coup here in Argentina. The K's aren't very revolutionary and there is not much interests here for them in Argentina as their puppet leader Menem has already sold out your whole country to them for scraps.

It is true that the K's were elected democratically, but you can hardly blame the people of Argentina for that since the K's are not the reason why Argentina is in such a bad shape today.
Six military coups, one per decade on average between 1930 and 1976, were ALL someone elses fault. A brutal 2 decade regime in the 1800s was all someone elses fault. The total lack of transparency in Argentine govt. at any level is all someone elses fault. The green envy of a sucessful country that can boast of over 200 years of uninterupted peaceful transfer of power lingers.

Oh, the virus of Spanish influence lingers yet.
orwellian said:
Because it isn't just their fault. Read the thread from the beginning and if you disagree with it, let us know why.

"Six military coups, one per decade on average between 1930 and 1976, were ALL someone elses fault. A brutal 2 decade regime in the 1800s was all someone elses fault. The total lack of transparency in Argentine govt. at any level is all someone elses fault. The green envy of a sucessful country that can boast of over 200 years of uninterupted peaceful transfer of power lingers.

Oh, the virus of Spanish influence lingers yet. "
That's a pretty good summary.
Fault only comes into play when the basic structures are weak enough for meddlers to intervene.
orwellian said:
A lot of it happened a long time ago, because it was a period with a lot of social unrest. But it still happens today. Take the coup attempt in Venezuela 2002 for example.

To answer your question I do not think they would start a military coup here in Argentina. The K's aren't very revolutionary and there is not much interests here for them in Argentina as their puppet leader Menem has already sold out your whole country to them for scraps.

It is true that the K's were elected democratically, but you can hardly blame the people of Argentina for that since the K's are not the reason why Argentina is in such a bad shape today.

hmmm, the K´s claim to be revolutionary and are still defying them, for an evil US I believe that´s reason enough.
Also, Menem and Kirchners are the same characters, there is absolutaly no difference between them and btw, during the 90´s Kirchner could not give more praise to Menem and even said publically that he thought Menem was the best President ever (This of course, is also well documented). Although I agree Menem sold out many things here rest assure that there´s plenty more where that came from. The territory alone would be reason enough for the evil powers to try and take over everything that´s left. The saccing is taking place allright but curiously enough the ones getting extremaly rich (also documented and proven) are the K´s and their friends.
And last, the K´s have been ruling this country for almost 10 years (by ruling i mean the way an emperor or a king rules, no separated govnt branches whatsoever, no congress no judicital system or actually, even worse, all under his total control). They have been doing whatever they wanted to do without any regard whatsoever of laws and procedures. Can anybody honestly say that the K´s have nothing to do with today´s deplorable state in all areas you can possible think of ? Granted, and again, i agree with you on this, Menem did his part, dont get me wrong, he was a disgrace for our country, but that does not under no circumstances excuse the K´s and their corrupted actions and their obscene enrichment which of course have a total impact on the country (in addition to Menem´s actions of course).
I cannot understand ppl the acknowledges Menem´s wrong doings but do not do the same on K´s. It´s yet another thing I and many others cannot understand, makes no sense at all.
