Macri Or Fernandez's Who Will Win Paso

Who Will Win PASO Macri or Fernandez

  • Macri

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • Fernandez's

    Votes: 14 51.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Food for thought
Michael Hudson: What really is at issue is whether all debts should be paid, or not? I think that there should be an international rule that no country should be obliged to pay its debts to the wealthy One Percent, especially to a creditor class that prefers to hold its domestic wealth offshore in foreign currencies. No country should be obliged to pay its bondholders if the price of paying means austerity, unemployment, shrinking population, emigration, rising suicide rates, abolition of public health standards, and selloffs of the public domain to monopolists. To make matters even worse, the privatizations demanded by the IMF and World Bank, for instance, will sharply raise the prices for what had been public services, transportation, water and sewer, communications, and telephones.
There should be principle that the domestic people should come before foreigners. But the guiding principle of the IMF, World Bank, and the United States is the opposite: namely, that no nation should put its own interests first. Instead, every nation is told to put the interests of international creditors first, even when the cost is impoverishment, dependency, mass poverty and deindustrialization. This is what globalization really means today. It’s an international imposition of class war by the creditor One Percent against labor and the indebted 99 Percent and their governments.
The madness of this was spelled out over 2000 years ago. In Book I of Plato’s Republic you have Socrates arguing against the idea that all debts should be paid. He asks, what if you borrow a weapon from a crazy person, and he asks for it back. Should you give him a weapon if he’s likely to hurt people?
This applies to creditors in general: Should you pay off debts if the creditors are going to use their money to impoverish society and reduce people to debt dependency? That’s what the Republic is all about. We’re still dealing today twenty four hundred years later with the same issue.
The issue is: what should come first: the people’s welfare, or that of creditors?
I am cool with not paying.
I am not cool with not paying and then denouncing the Evil Capitalists for locking you out of the financial markets when you refuse to pay.
Historical Inflation Rate by Country. Guess who almost always shows up?

The long term economic future of Argentina was never bright, but now it is dark. The printing presses that churn out pesos are being dusted off as we speak. More pesos will be printed in order to support socialist institutions and provide greater subsidies, all in an effort to purchase votes. Lagarde at the IMF looks like a fool and now the $57B loan might as well be declared in default. The US, as 18% benefactor to the IMF, might take this opportunity to reign in its ability to lend in questionable situations. Argentina's 100-year bonds are collapsing in price, which means the ability to borrow in international markets is already impaired.

Socialist economic measures always provide short term relief. But the unsoundness behind them inevitably produces greater long term pain. Dollars and euros reign as king in Argentina - more so now than before.

The only chance Argentina has now is if Americans are equally ignorant and vote socialist in 2020.

It is better to print pesos than Lebacs and Leqiqs. But, why do you repeat cliches like a parrot, inflation is double now.
I can always rely on Argentina to provide me with a good old chuckle.

Back to business as usual it seems, I can't wait. Of course, I wouldn't have been able to vote for Macri myself as he goes against too many of my values. That said Cristina and her mob go against all of them, so.

Admittedly it's a rough sell to tell the people in the villa that change is coming when the trickle down from that change may not reach them for decades. Better country for your kids then or futbol para todos and $20 electric bills now? There are more stupid people in Argentina than not it seems, but still that's a hard decision to make.

Stupid people and stupid institutions. My daughter was able to vote for the first time this year as she is now 16. Unfortunately her vote and the vote of most her friends was wasted. She voted for someone simply because of a funny meme of the candidate. Many of her friends voted for equally stupid reasons, whether voting Macri or not.

Stupid people, but funny people. Thanks for the lols.

You live in a frasco de mayonesa.
Middle class was asfixiated. How can they be wrong?
With MM we are closer to Venezuela.
However, with MM there were no foreign investor plus foreign companies left Argentina.
Your degree is in law. Stick to lawyering.
FYI I´m an citizen with voting rights and I already expressed my political opinions [that you can see at my avatar] yesterday with my vote. What about you. Are you able to vote?

The opinion about economy is a political opinion. Who do you think you are to try to censorship me? Because for me, in the best escenario you are naive and you don´t understand the history of this country neither its politics and I do not tell you to shut up for barking your frustration.
What should Macri do

  1. Call for earlier Elections,
  2. Abandon the government,
  3. Quit like Alfonsin ,
  4. Other,
  5. Your Suggestion