Strikes me (no pun intended!) that this won't be the last time this sort of thing happens before the elections.... All it seems to do is pi*s off everyone, trouble is, who does everyone get pi*sed off with - Moyano & his cronnies, CFK, or Life in general....
You just see how evil Moyano have called a strike on monday, but you fail to understand why will it happen. Its an entire organization that its being discredited by the local media, not only Moyano.
You just see how evil Moyano have called a strike on monday, but you fail to understand why will it happen. Its an entire organization that its being discredited by the local media, not only Moyano.
I just bought some coffee and some tea from a guy a block off of Av. de Mayo and he said that he wasn't planning on coming into work on Monday because all of his customers wouldn't be in.
I'm not going to go buy on Monday to see if he decided to come in because senorsuitcase called off the strike. But who knows, maybe he will now.
Haven't been reading La Nacion lately, so I can't tell how they faced this at the beggining(but I'm pretty sure it was Clarin like). However I have to say I'm quite impressed, maybe when things started getting clearer there was no point on this anymore.
Back in 2007 the treasurer of Hugo's organization was murdered, now the same people are being investigated for money laundering, I wonder how hard this will be investigated if at all. Could be that somebody in the government tipped the Swiss, as some think he is getting a little inflated view of himself, it has been rumored he is considering running for president himself. Odd that a labor union in Argentina would have Swiss bank accounts, Hugo's retirement account or funds set aside to finance a run? What's the source of the money? Doubt we will ever learn the truth.