Making a difference one issue at a time


Jul 31, 2007
As I am sure the majority of people here are Facebook users. I would like to suggest that everybody join the group "Atención Ciudadana"

It's a Facebook page where you can register issues that you see around the city, for example, broken sidewalks, noise complaints, dangerous conditions, questions regarding trámites, etc.

I have used it with a little bit of success, and am striving for more. I personally don't have much faith in the city government under Mauricio Macri, but it's their obligation to respond to citizens of and ours to let them know what we see and hear.!/atencionciudadana
Thanks for the page.
Hmm... Isn't sidewalk maintenance the responsability of the property owner on the lot? and the city's responsibe to fine for non maintenance or ultimately fix at property owner's expense? :confused: I don't remember if I read that here or another forum a long time ago.
2GuysInPM said:
Thanks for the page.
Hmm... Isn't sidewalk maintenance the responsability of the property owner on the lot? and the city's responsibe to fine for non maintenance or ultimately fix at property owner's expense? :confused: I don't remember if I read that here or another forum a long time ago.

Sidewalk maintenance is GENERALLY the responsibility of the property that is in front of the sidewalk (casa frentista), however, if AySA, Cablevision, TelMex or any other service breaks it and leaves it broken, OR if it's broken by tree roots, then the city government has to fix it. And if the sidewalk is broken, and it's case where it's the property owner's responsibility and they DON'T fix it, then the city is supposed to and then bill them for it. You can't have a normal city with a bunch of garbage filled craters every few meters.