Making a Group Donation to Local Non-Profit Organization?

Vagrant Violet

Oct 4, 2009
Hi, all,

I am trying to start to gather some ideas regarding how to make a (hopefully) sizeable donation to a local non-profit organization in the next few months. Here's the deal...

I am expecting bebé number 2 in a few months. It has been a personally, mentally, physically, and emotionally challenging experience thus far. However, I still have to acknowledge that all in all, my family and I are among the fortunate minority here (especially in complicated and uncertain times like these) - in the end, we know that we will all be fine and the new addition will want for nothing in the future. This is clearly not the case for a lot of people in Buenos Aires.

As I start to plan a baby shower this summer, I was thinking that, in lieu of gifts, our friends can somehow donate money to a cause that ideally specifically helps babies and/or children in Argentina. The thing is, I really have no clue how to go about it.

My main inquiry for now is what might be some reputable organizations that help local families with babies or small kids, as well as the logistics (i.e. - If a bank transfer is feasible, if it can be several small ones or one big one in the end, and so on).

Does anyone have any ideas to help get me started? Thanks in advance!
VV. if this is a one off event, just have your friends buy the gifts they would have bought and donate them to a local church. just let them know what your plan is. just my opinion. setting up an ongoing charity is way different
add. especially in argentina. if you get the government and banking system involved chances are through a charity 90 percent will end up in someones pocket and 10 percent to the intented cause.
add. especially in argentina. if you get the government and banking system involved chances are through a charity 90 percent will end up in someones pocket and 10 percent to the intented cause.

I suggest to find real families and real people you would like to help to directly.

You can find them near any ANSES ofices or in a public hospital, for ex. Sarda (it is maternity hospital with the lines that take 6 hours to see doctor for pregnant women)