Margaret Thatcher Is Dead ...

Someone was saying on bbc worldwide how after she left she was horrified by the destruction of the manufacturing industry in the UK..... bit late for that.

She took my milk and apparently was part of the chemist group who invented soft serve ice cream.
Someone was saying on bbc worldwide how after she left she was horrified by the destruction of the manufacturing industry in the UK..... bit late for that.

She took my milk and apparently was part of the chemist group who invented soft serve ice cream.

Soft ice cream is revolting.
She was a tuff lady in a tuff times. Certainly do not agree with all her policies , but she did what she had to do. There have been worse , much worse.
just to balance up the belgrano situation a touch, even the argentine navy, in other words, the military, considered it a "legitimate target" at the time and place it was.

Argentine Naval officers understood the intent of the message was to indicate that any ships operating near the exclusion zone could be attacked.[sup][28][/sup] Argentine Rear Admiral Allara, who was in charge of the task force that the Belgrano was part of, said "After that message of 23 April, the entire South Atlantic was an operational theatre for both sides. We, as professionals, said it was just too bad that we lost the Belgrano".[sup][29][/sup] Captain Bonzo also told Middlebrook that he was not angry about the attack on his ship and "The limit [exclusion zone] did not exclude danger or risks; it was all the same in or out. I would like to be quite precise that, as far as I was concerned, the 200-mile limit was valid until 1 May, that is while diplomatic negotiations were taking place and/or until a real act of war took place, and that had happened on 1 May"

Thatcher did a whole lot of wrong in her years at the helm. Even as a adolescent Tory-hater, I never saw the Belgrano sinking as the illegitimate act of war that many others here and in UK did. Unfortunately, war is a very very shitty business and once you light that touchpaper, a lot of the "niceties" that civilians expect go out of the window.
There's a list..let's discuss specifics.

The north of england & the working class? Black communities? Homosexuals?

She was divisive and brought a nastiness to british politics which remains to this day.
The north of england & the working class? Black communities? Homosexuals?

She was divisive and brought a nastiness to british politics which remains to this day.

Like her best friend Ronnie. Things haven't been the same since.

I wonder if there is a scot working for cnn :D
