Meeting Argies

Hi! I´m an Argie :)
I would suggest to log in to I organise a weekly event and there are other people organising things too.
If you fancy a drink, send me an email to same thing if you need help in getting around town or a friendly advice..

Meeting "Argies" was very easy for me--for the same reason as another poster, I married an "Argie." She has 2 brothers close to my age, so . . . .

But I met my best "Argie" friend at work (in San Telmo). Sorry if I offended anyone--btw, "Argie" not offensive to my wife.
Lucas said:
No, its not, only in the mind of the English it is if you accept it as derogatory and an insult then it's your problem not theirs, if you ignore it as un insult and even accept it as a funny motto then that so called insult (in their English mind) will disappear, why? because you are not given them the pleasure to mortify you, so at the end they will lose interest to use it anymore, besides in the mind of an argentine that slur terminology do not means anything offensive that really can offend you badly, insulting your mother or sister that is a different matter.

Some beauties in they casual and favorite slurs vocabulary and by no means the complete one.

Camel jockey
Sand monkey

English, British or whatever you wish to can call them are specialist in putting names to every thing since they need to put down people of different culture in order to assert they superiority...nothing new under the sun.

Never use the term "thieving argie nigger". The correct term would be to call them a "menem".
"gringo" is used in panama to describe a north american
and i think everywhere in the world people use this term to describe north americans...even in argentina....
nunca supe que era para italianos. primera

btw, you can also check out art galleries, shows, concerts.....and maybe you can meet people there as well.
For the OP:

I definitely recommend checking out the Buenos Aires network of Couchsurfing-- there are more Argentinians there organizing things than any other nationality. I've only started checking it out recently and there are ALWAYS things going on, and they seem like pretty cool people (bilingual, too). On Monday I think I'm going to a sunset chess meeting in Puerto Madero if you're interested, will be my first CS gathering!

As for my experiences with the word "gringo:"

- I am from the US. About 80% of my social and professional life here is with locals, and about 50% of that group is with locals who are from outside of BA, mostly the campo.
- In three years I have never once been called "gringa," not once, but one time someone did refer to me as "la gringa" to someone else, but in that moment he didn't even know I was from the US, so....
- If anyone calls me anything it's Yanqui, or believe it or not: "La Americana."
- The only time I can remember really hearing the word "gringo" is when I went to a polo breeding/training ranch in Córdoba province, several hours from the main city, and it was to refer to two tall, blonde brothers: "Los Gringos." I can't remember their family name, so I'm not sure if their origins were German, Italian or what have you, but they were definitely not from the US!
- As for that "green-go" thing, a couple weeks ago an Argentinean guy tried to sell me that story as true, but I just can't really buy it... A quick search on Wikipedia says, "The word was used in Spain - although the word is nowadays rarely heard there - long before it crossed the Atlantic to denote foreign, non-native Speakers of Spanish."

nikad said:
Guillo, I am not sure how old you are, but ask your friends and family about the term Argie, and then let me know if you still think it is neutral or non offensive...;)

Some Argentinian people are open-minded and wouldn't take the term "Argie" as an offence, even if they know about the negative connotation it had during Malvinas' War.

Some people would take anything as an offence, e.g. being addressed as 'South Americans". It depends on their egos, I think.

And I've asked about this. :)
You should take up a hobby, join a club or association and expect to meet nice Argentines there.

So bad I'm much older than you are, or I'd help you. :)

Good luck!

All the best,

Hi there, im a local person, and i dont feel ofensive at all the term argies.
There are argies, aussies, yanquis, brits, what ever, is is not the word, but the person instead who is offensive.
Hey Agua, i was an ex expats and i understand you, what ever you need contact me, i was living abroad some years, and i returned 2 months ago and i feel like foreing person too.
I know people who have been here for years and they dont have a single Argentine friend. Its not for want of trying, they just gave up. Easier to make friends with the other Latins but more open and welcoming.
good luck !
I know people who have been here for years and they dont have a single Argentine friend. Its not for want of trying, they just gave up. Easier to make friends with the other Latins much more open and welcoming.
good luck !