Mercado Central


Nov 20, 2009
hola a todos y todas
i have a question i have a chance to go to mercado central with a group pn a bus paying $98 pesos return
i wouldnt and almost couldnt go alone
is it worth it? for the experience?the deals on food ?ETC
id apprecaite any honest opinions
hola a todos y todas
i have a question i have a chance to go to mercado central with a group pn a bus paying $98 pesos return
i wouldnt and almost couldnt go alone
is it worth it? for the experience?the deals on food ?ETC
id apprecaite any honest opinions

I would go to the
Id go for the experience, if you want to actually justify it with the savings on the food, plan on making a huge amount of tomatoe sauce or pesto or something which stores well and requires a lot of ingredients.
you usually have to buy things in bulk. same prices (but not req'd to purchase in bulk) at Mercado Boliviano in Liniers. Better bring a big carrito if you go.
For a single person if you don't own a large freezer may not be worth while.! Question how does one carry the bags to yout house, in a bus, if it doesn´t stop at your doorsteps
I would take the public bus there and then split a remise with people there--haven´t been for a while, but 98 pesos for a bus ticket on a trip that takes 25 minutes seems steep.
It is worth it if you buy 40 kilos of food at least.
I would take the public bus there and then split a remise with people there--haven´t been for a while, but 98 pesos for a bus ticket on a trip that takes 25 minutes seems steep.
It is worth it if you buy 40 kilos of food at least.

Unless you operate a restaurant, who has the space to store that much food?
It isn´t that much if you have a large apartment.
This is what I bought in the past, it is about 6 weeks supply. I only did this in the winter, summer stuff would rot.
15k potatoes (a big sack, not sure of kilos). keeps for months in a cool place.
5k onion keeps for months
5k batata keeps for a month
10k squash (assorted) keeps for 2-3 months
5k fruit (this is what I buy a week, not too much, but more will rot, use extra for jams)
10k vegetable (eggplant, zuchini, carrots, bell peppers last a long time, lettuce and spinich for imediate use)
2k cheese (freeze half)
6 liters milk (to freeze for future yogurt making)
2k fish (mainly fish patties and maybe shrimp)
4k chicken (one or two).
Already above 45k, not counting nuts, honey, oil, etc. This is if you can cook/can stuff, I would cook down a lot of this, freeze, etc. If you are short on time and storage space, do not recommend. But spending 98 pesos, you´d better buy a lot, if not it makes sense to go to a neighborhood fair and look for local sales.
We are two people, but hubby eats a LOT of fruit, about 1k or more a day.