Mercado Libre giveth Mercado Libre -- taketh away? I bought something fairly pricey then it ID'ed me


Jul 11, 2022
Well, cookies must have reset because I was able to get into an old mercadolibre account long enough to buy something! How exciting.

Fairly pricey item paid for with usa visa debit card -- green check. Transaction went through and was given a delivery date a week out.

Then I also got the separate email with the palabra clave/password to use when the deliveryman comes. Fantastic!

My card is charged -- was pending (and now this morning confirmed completed).

However, about two hours after the Saturday transaction, the prison guard Cookies came back when I tried to view the purchase -- it says "Completa tus datos para seguir usando tu cuenta" and asking for DNI photo

Now, I have an argie bank account and am officially in the system and hopefully only a month or two more from receiving my DNI -- but obviously I do not have a DNI to photograph at this moment.

So they took my money and now I am wondering will they let the merchant send me the goods or are they going to tell him no dont send it? My nightmare is they keep the money pending to return to mercadopago later maybe -- you know how they do.

That said, and perhaps luckily, the charge came through looking like a direct mercadopago payment to the vendor, ie it was listed as merpago*extremoimporta

Anyone have any experience with this? They say they have a money back guarantee but we all know what that means -- money back into a mercadopago account which I obvioluys right now cannot have even though I do have an argie bank account. I am not sure if I got lucky and the merchant transaction will credit and be sent -- or if I will get screwed.

Obviously unless they send me further out for delivery emails I cant exactly check what is the status.
The good thing is you did with a USA bank card. Every credit card I have ever owned had very favorable terms for the customer to dispute all charges. The bank will immediately will reverse charge from the card account, and then do their own investigation. I have only done a few times. I can’t say if all USA debit cards have the same terms, which is why I almost never use.

If you do not receive your purchase, calling the bank to file the dispute is the next step.

I do know, that if you have fraud on an Argentina credit card it is more difficult to dispute but can be done. Though my latest argentina credit card asked me to pay $7000 per month for some minimal fraud protection insurance.

Anyone have any experience with this? They say they have a money back guarantee but we all know what that means -- money back into a mercadopago account which I obvioluys right now cannot have even though I do have an argie bank account. I am not sure if I got lucky and the merchant transaction will credit and be sent -- or if I will get screwed.
My few disputes through ML have always asked if I wanted the refund applied as pesos back to my MP account balance, or back to the originally charged card. You have the choice (when you have access to your account)
What I can tell you is...

- Cookies are not a major part of this. All they do is either keep your account signed in or not. Having to log in again shouldn't mean much in terms of your account being verified and allowed to make purchases with.
- If your account got flagged it's probably because of the purchase price like you said or other things that trigger flags on their part.
- The largest purchase I made was a USD500 TV set, without having supplied a DNI or CUIL. Just having a +54 phone number to verify the account with was enough for me to purchase all kinds of stuff on Mercado Libre.
- I see pending charges on my debit card all the time. Think that's just a way for Mercado Pago to batch transactions and reduce cost.