Mercado Libre The Most Valuable Company in LATAM

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
ML number One, Ahead of 14 top Brazilian Companies and 4 Mexican ones. Founder and major Stockholder Marcos Galperin moved to Uruguay ..Only Argentinian Company to make the list...

  • Argentinian Mercado Libre is worth $60.6 billion;
  • Of the 20 most valuable companies, 14 are Brazilian and four are Mexican on Economatica’s ranking.
The e-commerce retailer giant Mercado Libre has become the most valuable company in Latin America, surpassing giants like Vale, Petrobras and Itaú Unibanco, according to a survey by Economatica, reported InfoMoney.

In tune with the times, MercadoLibre has a new logo. The two shaking hands have been replaced by two bumping elbows.
mercadolibre logo.png
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Mercado Libre has now its own payment Platform in an agreement signed with Paypal creating MercadoPago that aims to eliminate all other payment forms.

They are trying to be the Latin American version of Amazon, but unlike Amazon they are on the right side of the protectionist wall.
Have seen they have even launched their own branded products "Mercado Basics" similar to "Amazon Basics".
I just hope that their model continues to serve small retailers well and gives them options to expand their markets.
Like anything in this part of the wold, being big you deserve a shake down. Fail to pay up, expected that protection to disappear.
Just a heads-up to anyone using MercadoLibre or MercadoPago on their phones: both applications now read the copy/paste buffer when they’re started, in the case of MercadoPago before authenticating the user. It’s a serious privacy violation, the last item you copied before opening the application is being read by them.
How can my family in the US receive funds from Argentina via MercadoPago?