Miami Gal Freezing


Jul 1, 2010
I just arrived to BA this week and I'm not adjusting well to the cold. I'm here for the next 5 months (and I'll return next year for another 6 months), and I don't really know many people yet. How's a gal go about making friends in this city? My Spanish conversational skills need work, but it'd be cool to meet some friendly expats to explore the city with.
Welcome mel....yes it,s cold but it,s gonna get warmer during the week ahead...keep your eye out for our meet ups..they are well worth it!!!
Hi Melissa! What neighborhood are you staying in? Maybe we could meet up for drinks this week...
Buenos Aires can suprise many with its cold that come in polar waves at least once a year . In 2007 when it snowed here the same happened a week of below zero temperatures but we had the snow that put a huge smile on every ones faces.

I was hoping for snow again but alas it does not look like it will happen
Hi Melaboots! Welcome! I am from Chicago and even I am freezing here, due to insufficient warm clothing! I just moved here 2 weeks ago and I totally understand needing some social activities! Let me know if you would like to meet up sometime this week!
Melissa, I'm staying a block away from Plaza de Congreso now, and moving to Palermo the first week of August.

Pericles, I was actually here (in La Lucila for a short visit) July 9 of 2007 when it snowed (that's me on the right, the Florida girl, all excited about a little snow).. so surprise! I didn't expect it to be nearly snowing for another 90 years...

Sunelaugh - That sounds great - do you recommend any places for drinks and conversation? I've gotten an email from another gal in her 20s, maybe we could coordinate a fun group meet up??