I have been a migraine sufferer most of my life; three episodes a week for months, followed by a calm period. My mother also suffered from them but she told me that after she turned 60 they mostly went away. I am 64 now, and both the intensity and recurrence have slowed dramatically. I have tried most of the pills recommended here and what I seemed to find is that my body became addictive to them. For example, I would take Sumatriptan or Migral and they would work great, only to have a headache again within a few days. My last doctor said it was likely due to an addiction; that is, the body would trigger a migraine hoping to get the medicine, so he cautioned me against taking those pills.
Currently, I only take 2 Bayer aspirins. Sometimes they work, and sometimes they don't but, as I said earlier, the intensity and occurrence are less frequent at this age. I don't know if it's because all my organs have suffered the normal wear and tear of age and thus don't work as intensely as before, and thus the headaches have less punch or whether the lowered headache intensity is due to my life being a lot more calm at this stage. The four kids have left the house, financial pressures have mostly disappeared, and so my life is less hectic and more calm than before.
Just be careful with self medicating and good luck.