Migraine Medicine In Ba?


Jan 4, 2012
Been in bed with a migraine all day and I'm thinking of trying to get an Rx from a doctor for the next time this happens. I used to take Maxalt MLT in the states (aka Rizatriptan) which was very strong and very effective. Does anyone know if there is the equivalent here, or if another brand/ medicine can be recommended? Also any that will do the trick but can be bought over the counter? Thanks!
Sumatriptan 100 mg for migraines and also I take a beta blocker that stops migraines as I suffered very frequent ones so I take flufenal once a day to prevent the migraines from happening both can be bought over the counter hope this helps you
I take a medication called Tetralgin, comes in a red box (not the white box version), over the counter at pharmacies. Ingredients (in Spanish) are Caffeina, Dipirona, Ergotamina and Metoclopramida. This takes away all the pain, letting me still care for my kids, but leaves some of the side effects like the vision problems and feeling surreal. Taking one is good. Taking two is fun.... won't do that again in a hurry. :)
I don't know how this would work on "real" migraines, mine are hormonal headaches (ie once a month) but have all the symptoms of a migraine.
Thank you both so much!!! I don't know if they are "real" migraines or hormonal, but yes all the symptoms of one- sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, pressure in my head, possibly connected to neck/muscular pain; can last up to 24 hours. I'm concerned about beta blockers because I've heard there are potential contraindications, I will look into this more though. I used to get these migraine-type headaches a lot which I think were stress-related or hormonal but now I'm off the Pill and relatively stress-free . Still I need to have some in the cupboard for emergencies like today;
Thanks again!!!!!
Try over the counter ¨Migral¨, it´s the only thing that works for me and I always bring boxes with me to the US. Cefalex is a very good medicine for migraines ' over the counter too ' though I´m not sure if it still on sale or discontinued since I haven´t seen it lately.
I hope it helps.
I'd like to suggest an alternative to drugs to relieve migraines. For just about any health issue, I turn to http://earthclinic.com; most solutions are home remedies that cost pennies and have no side effects. Many are reported to be amazingly effective for people. You may want to try some of these suggestions that have worked for their readers: http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/migraines3.html
The two biggest winners (separately) were apple cider vinegar and cayenne.
Wishing everyone great health!
I have been a migraine sufferer most of my life; three episodes a week for months, followed by a calm period. My mother also suffered from them but she told me that after she turned 60 they mostly went away. I am 64 now, and both the intensity and recurrence have slowed dramatically. I have tried most of the pills recommended here and what I seemed to find is that my body became addictive to them. For example, I would take Sumatriptan or Migral and they would work great, only to have a headache again within a few days. My last doctor said it was likely due to an addiction; that is, the body would trigger a migraine hoping to get the medicine, so he cautioned me against taking those pills.

Currently, I only take 2 Bayer aspirins. Sometimes they work, and sometimes they don't but, as I said earlier, the intensity and occurrence are less frequent at this age. I don't know if it's because all my organs have suffered the normal wear and tear of age and thus don't work as intensely as before, and thus the headaches have less punch or whether the lowered headache intensity is due to my life being a lot more calm at this stage. The four kids have left the house, financial pressures have mostly disappeared, and so my life is less hectic and more calm than before.

Just be careful with self medicating and good luck.
I will try all of it - including the home remedy option! Thanks again everyone!!!
Lucha 54, I am SO SORRY. I had a dear aunt who suffered with migraines so I saw it up close and I know they're bad. But there is a cure. I do mean cure so you'd never have to have a migraine again. Look up Dr. Max Gerson--now administered by his daughter Charlotte Gerson. Dr. Gerson couldn't function as a doctor because of migraines and medicine offered no solution. So he started experimenting. This is similar to the program I used to recover from cancer but there are a number of differences but still, this for sure will cure migraines completely. Here is a link but I think you could find many links. And I wish you the very best! http://gerson.org/gerpress/
Helaine, I'm definitely trying that Apple cider vinegar recipe next time, sounds good cos it's basically free, already have the ingredients at home.