Milei is well qualified and succeeding as president of Argentina

Negative economic growth (-8,4% YOY). Job loss: > 100.000 (up to March). Increase of poverty levels (55% of Argentines, Q1 2024). Name me anything positive so far. Where's that quick recovery Milei was promising? The truth is that it's nowhere in sight. The economy is spiralling down. And Milei doesn't care: he's busy being angry on X; he's busy promoting his book; he's busy with offending foreign state leaders.
Negative economic growth (-8,4% YOY). Job loss: > 100.000 (up to March). Increase of poverty levels (55% of Argentines, Q1 2024). Name me anything positive so far. Where's that quick recovery Milei was promising? The truth is that it's nowhere in sight. The economy is spiralling down. And Milei doesn't care: he's busy being angry on X; he's busy promoting his book; he's busy with offending foreign state leaders.

...and singing. Don't forget the singing part.
It would be meaningless to continue the debate if you don't agree that the final stages of hyperinflation would be a lot worse than anything you are complaining about now. When doctors prescribe amputation, it's because they believe the condition is so bad that without that procedure, the patient would continue to rot and die. Doctors who don't believe the patients are in such a critical condition would certainly criticize the decision to amputate. The patients might know and understand the critical condition they were in, but will still complain about the suffering and harsh reality the amputation caused, especially right after surgery. For the patients who didn't believe they were in such critical condition and their loved ones made the decision to amputate for them because the patients were unconscious... well, they will certainly complain and declare that the doctors were unqualified and incompetent.

If you agree that the final stages of hyperinflation would be a lot worse than anything you are complaining about now and that Argentina was heading in that direction before Milei took over, then tell us what you believe would be a better plan to stop it...A plan that doesn't involve painful government spending cuts and a bad recession.

What many fail to understand is that getting inflation under control is a prerequisite for turning Argentina's economy around.

...What many fail to understand is that getting inflation under control is a prerequisite for turning Argentina's economy around. What many also fail to understand is that if the government and its currency loses total credibility, the government would need to cut even more jobs, reduce wages, and will not even be able to help the poorest in the population in the final stage of hyperinflation. Sometimes you have to make difficult decisions to keep things from getting even worse as in the case of a doctor prescribing amputation or chemotherapy.
so who is steal taking there deserved cut of the pie. i am giving time to produce but not seeing the hardworking effert. he makes it look too easy. we know better.
i think they used to call him a front man for those behind him. who knows. wait and see what happens
I really don’t get people who criticise Milei at this moment! It was not that he took over a perfectly functioning system and turned it into as it is in a few months. Get it right people! The country was going down with stupid politics spending the money on unnecessary things to buy votes. Employing excessive amount of people at government departments to do nothing. Spending money on everything other than the good. Couldn’t even avoid the dengue! Guess why; because the public funds were going elsewhere! If the others had been elected things were going to get worse either. People got used to laziness and had given up. Milei brought hope hence got elected. And the measures he’s taken are extremely necessary. Many are struggling but not because of Milei but the previous governments. Very early to say doing well or not but doing right for the time being. If your understanding of economics is limited to transferring your pension via WU and getting a lifestyle you can’t afford back home then you might as well look for another country to live. This guy is doing good!
I really don’t get people who say "wait and see". We've had 6 months of this almost certainly certifiable nutcase, his private voyages of self discovery paid for by the state, his serial lying, his dedication to anything other than the country he's supposed to be running. We've waited, we've seen, and it's fugly.

The 6 months of brutal inflation have decimated the incomes of the poor. People are struggling, and it's now because of Milei.

Laziness is the epitome of this government, from Milei himself and his 10-hour Xitter tirades to his low-profile, lower-energy, health minister. And dengue was entirely this twit's responsibility, from ordering repellent, to vaccinating. I used to see Macri as a ridiculous lazy layabout, a part time president on the sofa at 9pm to watch Netflix, but the current president and his ministers take the biscuit.

There is hope on the horizon, and it's nothing to do with this precious, corrupt, clique of twits: there will be a rain of Dollars when the harvest comes in. It will have nothing to do with Milei: the conditions for planting were set by the previous government, and the rains from El Niño did the rest. Nevertheless, expect Milei to take the credit. Massa could have done so as well.

I don't think Milei has really done anything lasting. I understand the debt to the energy sector alone would wipe out any saving his government has made by screwing pensioners and the provinces. Far from doing good, he's done nothing.