Milei is well qualified and succeeding as president of Argentina

I really don’t get people who say "wait and see". We've had 6 months of this almost certainly certifiable nutcase, his private voyages of self discovery paid for by the state, his serial lying, his dedication to anything other than the country he's supposed to be running. We've waited, we've seen, and it's fugly.

The 6 months of brutal inflation have decimated the incomes of the poor. People are struggling, and it's now because of Milei.

Laziness is the epitome of this government, from Milei himself and his 10-hour Xitter tirades to his low-profile, lower-energy, health minister. And dengue was entirely this twit's responsibility, from ordering repellent, to vaccinating. I used to see Macri as a ridiculous lazy layabout, a part time president on the sofa at 9pm to watch Netflix, but the current president and his ministers take the biscuit.

There is hope on the horizon, and it's nothing to do with this precious, corrupt, clique of twits: there will be a rain of Dollars when the harvest comes in. It will have nothing to do with Milei: the conditions for planting were set by the previous government, and the rains from El Niño did the rest. Nevertheless, expect Milei to take the credit. Massa could have done so as well.

I don't think Milei has really done anything lasting. I understand the debt to the energy sector alone would wipe out any saving his government has made by screwing pensioners and the provinces. Far from doing good, he's done nothing.
I don’t know how long you’ve been here but were you expecting him to fix everything in 6 months? Really? He’s doing what needs to be done.
So you believe anyone who prescribes amputation or chemotherapy as a treatment is not a qualified doctor?

Also, before you blame Milei on the sky high inflation, take a look at the inflation forecasts for 2024 and 2025 from the November 2023 survey.
He failed in all the legal projects he needs to acchieve his goal plus now he is having inflation in USD. I don’t know how old are you but I already saw this and the end is very ugly. Argentina needs to be cheap in order to export.
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I don’t know how long you’ve been here but were you expecting him to fix everything in 6 months? Really? He’s doing what needs to be done.
Since 2017, and joined the forum in 2019. And no, everything will not be fixed in 6 months, but we might expect a trend toward improvement, right? Even after 100 days, a generally accepted landmark, the government's plans should be clear. Instead we got wailing at the weeping wall, or vice versa. And we (I am an Argentinian citizen, not sure what you are) paid for his private voyages of self discovery. No, he and his corrupt, workshy government are not doing what needs to be done. Not even close.
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I don’t know how long you’ve been here but were you expecting him to fix everything in 6 months? Really? He’s doing what needs to be done.
If you prefer to believe in the promises coming from an eccentric politician that are supposed to bring results in 15 years, that's definitely your choice. It's as if there were no competent economists trying to resolve Argentina's problems over the last couple of decades. But now, to the rescue of our country, you and Milei know 'what needs to be done' and can firmly follow the path.
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Since 2017, and joined the forum in 2019. And no, everything will not be fixed in 6 months, but we might expect a trend toward improvement, right? Even after 100 days the government's plans should be clear. Instead we got wailing at the weeping wall, or vice versa. And we (I am an Argentinian citizen, not sure what you are) paid for his private voyages of self discovery. No, he and his corrupt, workshy government are not doing what needs to be done. Not even close.
“Not sure what you are” ? Clearly can not be sure what I am as you don’t know me at all. But I’m not an Argie since 2017. So are not my parents and grandparents. You clearly not effected by the previous governments as it was completely to your benefit. This government is clearly not! You most probably didn’t have a grandma whose life savings stolen by the government. Didn't have an uncle either whose successful leather business went bust because of the fiscal policies. My great grandfather came here from the UK. My grandma from Italy. In Italy they had a saying “rich like Argentina”. It gradually disappeared. Now we got this guy. So don’t you think abolishing the official rate, opening the borders to imports, cutting down on the unnecessary expenses are great things to be done in just 6 months? I care about the country. You care about your great standards of life in the worlds most affordable democracy that doesn’t exist as it was before. Sorry!
BTW; you don’t fight with dengue by importing repellents. To fight; there has to be a government with a functioning agricultural department that has funds available to maintain the lands and avoid the problems. It requires a govt policy and funds. Not a spray!
If you prefer to believe in the promises coming from an eccentric politician that are supposed to bring results in 15 years, that's definitely your choice. It's as if there were no competent economists trying to resolve Argentina's problems over the last couple of decades. But now, to the rescue of our country, you and Milei know 'what needs to be done' and can firmly follow the path.
Yes it’s my choice and I believe I know things better than you do. He’s the president. People elected him. I believe he will make things better like many people do. Sorry for you that the good days are over! If you don’t like him wait till the next elections.
He failed in all the legal projects he needs to acchieve his goal plus now he is having inflation in USD. I don’t know how old are you but I already saw this and the end is very ugly. Argentina needs to be cheap in order to export.
But with the official rate Argentina was not cheap to export for SMEs. I agree with you on export.