Milei is well qualified and succeeding as president of Argentina

He failed in all the legal projects he needs to acchieve his goal plus now he is having inflation in USD. I don’t know how old are you but I already saw this and the end is very ugly. Argentina needs to be cheap in order to export.
Does Argentina still tax exports?
Does Argentina still tax exports?
and Milei wants to increase these taxes, because the way the Argentine tax system is currently set up, they are one of the largest sources of government income. 12% to 30% on agricultural products, and he also want to increase the taxes on exporting manufactured goods. He does not have the votes in congress, nor the patience and knowledge, to completely reform the tax system, and tax the rich, and the high profit sectors of the economy- its much easier to just raise the current export taxes, which cripple the higher paid manufacturing sectors.

and Milei wants to increase these taxes, because the way the Argentine tax system is currently set up, they are one of the largest sources of government income. 12% to 30% on agricultural products, and he also want to increase the taxes on exporting manufactured goods. He does not have the votes in congress, nor the patience and knowledge, to completely reform the tax system, and tax the rich, and the high profit sectors of the economy- its much easier to just raise the current export taxes, which cripple the higher paid manufacturing sectors.

Because of this it's going to rain Dollars on Argentina once the harvest and grain sales really get under way. The conditions for buying seed and planting were set by the previous government, and El Niño did the rest, but Milei will take the credit.
“Not sure what you are” ? Clearly can not be sure what I am as you don’t know me at all.
Well, of course not, I made a statement of fact, and answered your question about how long I've been here.
But I’m not an Argie since 2017. So are not my parents and grandparents. You clearly not effected by the previous governments as it was completely to your benefit. This government is clearly not! You most probably didn’t have a grandma whose life savings stolen by the government. Didn't have an uncle either whose successful leather business went bust because of the fiscal policies. My great grandfather came here from the UK. My grandma from Italy. In Italy they had a saying “rich like Argentina”. It gradually disappeared. Now we got this guy.
Fair enough, you have a long history here, and now you've shared some more about yourself I'll take more notice of your perspective. I've experienced only 3 governments. I have friends who've experienced the traumatic events you mention (e.g the father of one jumping off a building), but it's not the same as having it happen in your family, of course.
So don’t you think abolishing the official rate, opening the borders to imports, cutting down on the unnecessary expenses are great things to be done in just 6 months?
Milei hasn't abolished the official rate, he's let the value of the Peso spiral before opening the borders to imports (I haven't seen much evidence of this, though). Cutting down on expenses (and rooting out corruption) are great, perhaps Milei would like to show some personal example to reduce costs and corruption (by which I mean not using state resources for his private business)?

All this shouldn't mean cutting expenses at the cost to pensioners, necessary and agreed transfers to the provinces to maintain services (the latest is that he's cut transfers to the provinces to increase the public transportation subsidies in the richest part of the country, AMBA). Nor should it mean running up debts with energy suppliers which would wipe out any savings he's made.
I care about the country. You care about your great standards of life in the worlds most affordable democracy that doesn’t exist as it was before. Sorry!
I would suggest that you don't set up straw men for your arguments. I care enough about this country to have opted for citizenship. I declare my income here and pay taxes. Don't try to disqualify me by blathering about what you consider to be my great standards of life.
BTW; you don’t fight with dengue by importing repellents. To fight; there has to be a government with a functioning agricultural department that has funds available to maintain the lands and avoid the problems. It requires a govt policy and funds. Not a spray!
Actually, you do fight dengue by importing repellents. Also bed nets and vaccines. But there was none of this, only donations from Mexico (but the market!), and there certainly hasn't been a government policy, nor funding for any of this. You're simply wrong here.