Milei Won. He is the new President of Argentina.

Tell me this man is not on drugs. Tell me he doesn't remind you of a certain Austrian housepainter with a funny little moustache.

Possum, if you have an interest in learning what Milei is about, I'd recommend a book called, "The Road to Serfdom" by Hayek. It is written for and dedicated to good, sincere people such as yourself.

Its not the absolute closest thing to his personal philosophy, but its really close. Its also rather accessible and an easy read.
Quil, you got that backward. The problem is the BNA dollar being controlled by the gov't at an artificially low rate. The blue dollar is just a symptom
That's what I meant, the existence of a blackmarket is a symptom of the economic incompetence. I don't want Milei to succeed in his more far-right agenda items, but I'm all for unifying the exchange rates, letting Aerolineas Argentinas become a co-op, even selling some other companies that just piss away money, etc.

Tell me this man is not on drugs. Tell me he doesn't remind you of a certain Austrian housepainter with a funny little moustache.

He doesn't remind me of Hitler, but I wouldn't be surprised if it came out he had a nose habit. I think many leaders partake, CEOs, Presidents, etc; apparently Trump is addicted to pseudoephedrine, and Kamala is 100% a benzo aficionado, so this is actually one of the things that doesn't bug me about him. I've known many high functioning addicts/alcoholics who I trust to do their jobs competently.
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You do not know what a disaster means in Argentina. Massa was Ok. Not bad, not good but nobody’s life was in risk. I only hope there will be not forced disappearences.

If Milei uses the military dismantle the courts and disappears political opponents, I'll become a life long peronist and pledge my allegiance to Maximo.
I think Milei will end up like Bolsonaro: disgraced, discredited, and in prison. Then back to Peronism we go!
I'm afraid I see no similarity. The German architect of the holocaust and the bloodbath that was WWII was a teetotler vegetarian who despite his ranting mass rallies, tended to present himself in a very restrained manner at most times, highly psychopathic to be sure. Hitler did share with Milei a love of dogs, but that's as far as I can see the comparison. So I see that comparison as hyperbole as well. If you know any history as to how Hitler siezed power, although not having a majority of the seats in the Reichstag, the Nazis were the largest party by a significant margin. Milei has no such power base in Argentina's institutional system of checks and balances, the Congress and the Senate. He remains dependendent on other parties/ forces if he wants to pass any serious reforms. And it is not clear to me that he can rely on those parts of Together for Change that consider themselves more centrist. In fact they are saying they will act as a responsible opposition.
Ah yes, Hitler's beloved Blondi!