
Red & Lady Mink

Oct 21, 2010
Does anyone know a brand name of milk that is not ultra-pasterized? reason I ask is that you cannot use it to make cheese.

PS. Finally found some dill! Pickles are aging...sweetness!

Thank you,
I don't think that you'll find anything other than ultra in the grocery stores, but you might have luck tracking down unpasteurized milk via one of the organic co-ops or companies. Here is one to try that says they sell leche entera (unspecified whether or not it's been pasteurized at all):

Another place to try might be dieteticas. Good luck with your cheese, and please report back how it goes:) (and how your pickles turn out). What kind of cheese are you going to try to make?
Nido is good. Use cold water, with some ice cubs included. Then you filter the liquid and voila... fresh milk!
Serenissma powdered milk is pasteurised, pretty sure they all are....
I'm pretty sure all milk sold through regular chains is pasteurized in Argentina -- my husband said they supposedly had some problems with the milk supply years ago and since then all pasteurized (even the milk used in soft cheeses produced here supposedly pasteurized -- maybe that's why local bries just never measure up to french bries?)

You're best hope is an organic provider, but not sure if you'll have much luck if you're buying only in small quantities. Good luck with your search and please let us all know if you find any!!
While on the topic, does anyone know where to buy sugar free yoghurt? SOMETIMES the supermarkets have it but not enough.
Fuyi said:
While on the topic, does anyone know where to buy sugar free yoghurt? SOMETIMES the supermarkets have it but not enough.

There are diateticas that have plain unsweetened yogurt. Find a good source & stick with it.

Otherwise the armenian markets also have it. It's a bit different in that it's a bit thicker and "sourer" than the diatetica yogurt.