Fresh Milk And What They Put In It.


Sep 18, 2009
Ever since I arrived here a few years ago I've wondered why the fresh milk here tastes so different to the milk back in the UK.
Of the numerous varieties to choose from, we buy La Serenisima semi skimmed (parcialmente descremada) which is passable and at least makes a decent coffee or tea. I've noticed however that the floppy bag variety appears to be more water than milk as compared to the carton, but that would need scientific testing.
On occasion we've bought SanCor semi skimmed and each time the taste was so repulsive (to me anyway) that I poured it away. On closer inspection and as you can see in the picture, the ingredients state corn oil, concentrated lactose (?),maltodextrin, tricalcium phosphate and vitamin additives.
Which probably explains the foul taste, who knows?
In some countries sheep wool is used to add vitamin D3 to milk (the US, I believe do this).
Whatever happened to a pint of milk being just that, MILK?
I've got 2 bags of Leche La Serenisima in the fridge right now -- one the parcialmente descremada B9 con calcio agregado, and the other with additional Iron. Both of them list the ingredients as "leche parcialmente descremada" followed by on the B9 lactado de calcio - vitaminas A, B9, C y D; and on the iron one "concentrado de calio natural de leche, sulfato ferroso, vitaminas A, B9, C, y D.

I don't know what's up with that Sancor one -- does it say that is "leche parcialmente descremada" or does it say something more akin to "producto lacteo"
Ugh. I wish I'd read this before downing a big mug of tea laced with Sancor Partialmente Descremada. But when I think of the tank cars full of sheep's wool I've consumed in the U.S., this alternative could seem positively mouth-watering.
Ok but to be honest it says right there on the front the "aceite de maiz" and it's marketed as "NutriEquilibrio: Aporte equilibrado(? can't quite see) de energia" -- any time there is "energy" in the name of a product you can pretty much guarantee it's Corn Syrup or Corn something or other. I'd stay away from Cormillot products in general, like most diet foods they are high in salt and other fillers/replacements.
I have La Serenissima with B9, and the ingredient simply says Leche, agregado de calcio, vitamina B9.
Ok but to be honest it says right there on the front the "aceite de maiz" and it's marketed as "NutriEquilibrio: Aporte equilibrado(? can't quite see) de energia" -- any time there is "energy" in the name of a product you can pretty much guarantee it's Corn Syrup or Corn something or other. I'd stay away from Cormillot products in general, like most diet foods they are high in salt and other fillers/replacements.
Fair points.
I think Adri just grabbed the first thing she saw as we'd run out of milk and frankly, I never realised that milk came in so many guises.
I was reading something, somewhere, that said that by law these chemicals must be added to milk in Argentina.

Edit: I think it is just powdered milk in this case.

Por ejemplo, si encontramos leche fortificada con hierro, significa que la empresa elaboradora le ha incorporado una cantidad mayor de ese mineral a su producto respecto de lo que contiene ese alimento en forma natural. Es importante tener en cuenta que la fortificación
no es obligatoria, pero en caso que una empresa defina hacerlo deberá cumplir con ciertos requisitos. Estos alimentos deben cubrir desde un 20% hasta el 50% de los requerimientos diarios recomendados de vitaminas liposolubles (vitaminas A, D, E yK) y minerales; y hasta un 100% de los requerimientos diarios recomendados de vitaminas hidrosolubles. Estos valores deben cumplirse en la PORCIÓN DEL PRODUCTO.

Ley de fortificación obligatoria de leche (programas alimentarios): Ley 25459 (2001).
La leche entera en polvo incluida en los programas alimentarios implementados por el Gobierno nacional dirigidos a niños y mujeres embarazadas, deben adicionarse obligatoriamente con hierro, zinc y vitamina C. En este caso, los nutrientes adicionados fueron seleccionados con el objetivo de disminuir la prevalencia de anemia en niños pequeños y mujeres embarazadas, y las malformaciones del tubo neural en los bebes.
El Ministerio de Salud puede modificar la cantidad de estos nutrientes en la leche entera en polvo, cuando la población destinataria de los planes mencionados, en distintas regiones del país, incorpore los referidos nutrientes a través de otros alimentos que integran su dieta habitual.
En los envases de las leches en polvo figuran las siguientes advertencias:
2) Importante: “no mezcle esta leche con té o mate porque esto puede cambiar su color y disminuye la a bsorción de hierro” y “Esta leche no debe ser hervida por mas de 5 minutos porque pierde su valor nutritivo”