

Apr 27, 2009
I just noticed that 1 liter of milk costs more in Argentina (1€) then in Belgium (0,85€).

I guess life is really getting expensive here!
As it is virtually impossible to get any fresh milk outside of The Netherlands I've accepted the fact that in 99% of the world you either have to milk the cows yourself or accept Ultra Heated Pasteurized milk (or even worse: Milk with added sugar!) *yuk*
In Switzerland I used to buy fresh milk from the collection point. It cost 1.10 CHF, which is 4.13AR$ per liter.

In Portugal it's E0.71 for a liter of UHT & E0.79 for just pasteurized.
I lived in both belgium (gent) and switzerland (zurich) last year and everything seem to be cheaper there than here, except for meat, eating out and fuel.. In belgium 1 lt milk was 0.60 euros.. at the supermarket called litel (or something similar)..
davonz said:
I lived in both belgium (gent) and switzerland (zurich) last year and everything seem to be cheaper there than here, except for meat, eating out and fuel.. In belgium 1 lt milk was 0.60 euros.. at the supermarket called litel (or something similar)..

Then your experience is different then mine. Upto now life has been a lot cheaper here then there. (and in general it still is, exept for the milk :))
When i first arrived here 3 1/2 years ago arg was around 30% cheaper than NZ, now is around 30 to 50% more expensive on most stuff, and cars, electronics etc are just about double the price here.. Even local friends who have been overseas recently are now saying it is more expensive here (compared to spain and states anyways).
Well, in Europe, at least in France for sure, the milk industry is heavily subventionnized (sorry for the spelling) hence the comparable rates.

Fresh milk : I've been living for two years in normandy (many cows) and was buying the real fresh milk once in a while (straight from the cow : much thicker, and quite difficult to digest).

Here in Argentina (living near Pilar), I can get real fresh milk as well although I've not tried it (my neighbour makes dulce de leche using that milk, miammy).
French jurist said:
Fresh milk : I've been living for two years in normandy (many cows) and was buying the real fresh milk once in a while (straight from the cow : much thicker, and quite difficult to digest).

You have to let the cream rise to the top then take it off. Then make butter with it. :)
In NZ 2 litre fresh milk (has to be used in a few days) is NZ$2.55 for 2 litres, about 3.40 peso per litre.. and the milk is not subsidised like europe..
The milk i buy in supermarket here, is 3.05 pesos (one of the cheapest ones) for a 1 litre plastic bag, but isnt fresh.. and will last for weeks.. I have never seen fresh milk in the supermarkets downtown, or on the north zone here, so dont know how much it is.. In fact is it possible to get fresh milk here ?
It is possible to get fresh-raw milk, yes, but directly from the producer.

I'll try soon the one I can get here and will post the XP.

Of course, there is a risk drinking it but meanwhile, raw milk seems to have virtues regular milk doesn't have.