Ministry Of Propaganda

Interestingly they are at work today, a sunday!
This thread reminds me of a very interesting book -

Age of Propaganda - The everyday use and abuse of Persuation by Anthony Pratkanis
It appears they have started to remove the fake comments from the herald facebook page, they're still getting added so i think we can be safe to say its not Buenos Aires Herald staff.
It's definitely not Herald print staff. It maybe Herald online staff, although I'd assume they would post in English rather than exclusively in Spanish. It could well be done other hidden entity within the Cristobal López media empire.

Unfortunately, as the recent FBI and Brazilian police efforts show, it is near impossible to trace users through Facebook.
All that is certain is that the fake profiles are Spanish speakers, crude and persistent - not much to go on
BA Herald print copy may be discontinued soon without Government Support--!

Also Tiempo Argentino , CN23 , and El Argentino , that subsisted with K Government Publicity are going belly up...! Too bad ... :rolleyes: The new government discontinued these subsidies... So its swim or sink...!
Freyre Was FIRED from the Senate, the Gay conductor hired by Boudou together with his husband,,, they were the first gay couple married in the country. It turned out it was all a mise-en- scene a fake couple.

Every dog has its day...!


Also Alberto Samid el mataife was fired from Mercado Central.....Another One bites the Dust...
