Most amount of Luggage brought?

Last entry: five rolling suitcases all overweight. Entered with DNI and I was near the end of the line with two carts and a porter helping. The guy at the scanner saw the porter struggling with the first bag (100lbs), asked if I was traveling alone, and waved me through. I had declared $295 USD in new curtains and sheets on the customs form. I didn't have any electronics, just a lot of clothes and kitchen items (including cookware).
The baby stroller gets checked separately in as an oversized item, and doesn't count towards your luggage limit.
Markgeezer said:
... Once in Mendoza on a flight from Santiago with a lot of newish optical gear they started to ask me a few questions and I pulled out my passport and spoke my poorest spanish, to see the guy let me through straight away. Act dumb, and show your passport not DNI works miracles.
In Mendoza they are very nice to tourists. When I arrived two weeks ago the super looked at my passport, asked "Are you coming from Denmark?", which I confirmed. He then turned to the aduana baggage checkers and said "El señor es verde, de Dinamarca" and I walked straight trough.
I brought 3 suitcases, one of which had a 19" TV and a playstation. Another had a folding bicycle. No problems.
We just came back from US with 4 big suitcases, 2 carry on suitcases. They were filled with new things but nothing electronic and they didn't have tags on them. Horse stuff mostly - blankets, saddlepads, etc and clothes.

Yes we got stopped, yes we got searched and yes, the SO paid a "fine" to the customs agents to clear it through.
So... it really is just a crap shoot...

And unfortunately the stroller has to be packed because the bun is still officially in the oven :) The woman at United laughed and said that until I have the physical baby, they would charge me for the stroller... Go figure!!
I think we had 14 bags among the three of us when we moved here in July. Most of them were overweight and/or oversized, including a bicycle. Don't care to travel like that ever again, but there were no questions and no fees when we came through customs. Spoke no Spanish and we were with a group of other foreigners, they waved us all through.