Moving In Sept! Any Advice?

I'm not giving hippies a bad name. But this new bohemian way of life here is about being lazy and has nothing to do with hippies. Back in the 60s it wasn't just a way of life. The original authentic hippies started a powerful movement in order to change society. My Uncle was kicked out of Yale for protesting against Vietnam, and when he was sent there to fight he refused to pick up a gun and was found drunk living inside a Vietnamese dump truck in order to make a point. These new bohemian kids aren't contributing to society by spending as little as possible in order to avoid working and claim that they're against a materialistic lifestyle. There are no more hippies. I respect the original hippies, but this new generation can't claim that they're hippies.

Be careful, lots of original hippies ended being important bussinessmen, CEOs, etc, crappy people, so was the world who changed them and not otherwise.
I respect people who try to avoid a consummerism lifestyle, I respect and admire people who dislike material things.
It's okay to not like material things, and it's okay to be a CEO. But one shouldn't claim to be a hippie because they smoke grass, have a weave and work as little as possible.
a hippie way of life is not caring of material things in general, or luxury stuff, eating nothing fancy, like fideos con tuco, or something easy to cook, never on a restaurant, never having extra expenses, just living for the moment, like no planification on anything, like realising you have to eat at 8 o clock so you ll cook something.
Living hippie is living with 2 pesos, walking in stead of using public transport, or using bike, avoid huge expenses....

You can live well with 1000 pesos per person if you dont have ambitions, or you dont like to please yourself very much, or don't care eating out and stuff like that. Hippie.

I do not think to dine in a restaurant is luxury today. To me, while you do whatever job, you should be able to obtain something in exchange, like eating out occasionally. I believe reasonable $ to be wealthy and buy basic things is not the only, but one of the many things somebody needs to be happy, and I do not share your friends's thought; However, if your friend believes that happiness means to always eat "fideos con tuco", never tasting other flavors, never eating out, never caring about near future, etc. Then, living in BA with a ARS 1000 budget and without having to work; this scenario fulfills your friend's expectations. I believe the OP is caring about the near future, and seriously researching about the cost of living, he is open to debate and to hear other opinions. It seems to me he prefers to find a job in Argentina ASAP and happily live with his GF, and he is just considering his budget as a B plan, "just in case" he cannot get something.
El Niño stated this thread by asking about living costs and work in Argentina. How much time he has spent with his girlfriend in the past shouldn't make any difference. Neither should the fact that he can return (possibly) to live with his family in Canada.

He made it clear in his first post that he would not have to pay rent. I think he's received good info about "other" living costs and teaching jobs in this thread.

I'm happy for him that he and his girlfriend have a place to live without paying rent and without living with her parents, but that really isn't any of my business.

I do think he may be one of the best prepared young men to move to BA that ever posted about it in the forum.

And perhaps the best prepared young man ever to move to BA without already having a job. :)

Thanks for the sentiments Steve.

I don't intend to move unprepared, whether it's with a job or without - and contributors to this thread such as yourself have helped greatly.

There is no control during the year, at least not that i know of. But if you don't go to classes you won't be able to renew you visa the next year. They will ask for classes history and marks received from the previous year.

Registering for classes requires timing, you can only do it twice a year, (march and august) and for some courses only once a year. The school year generally begins in March, so you'll need to have everything you need to register by then. After registering, 30 days before classes begin (or later) you can get the electronic certificate of inscription. After you get that and you have you your fbi background check and other documents you can get a DNI good for year. Next year you have to reregister and go renew.

Thanks for the info!

Do you know if there's certain requirements regarding the classes you register for? Do they need to be a certain length, or a certain amount of hours? Any college or university?

I was thinking I'd register for Spanish classes, but I'm sure 1-3 month Spanish class won't be enough to get my inscripcion electronica and get a student visa.

There are also some other educational programs in the craftsmanship are that I'd be interested in, but again, not as formal as registering for UBA.
Don't bring any art work, unless you are going to stay here for the rest of your life. It's really hard to get out of the country once it's here, not impossible, but it will cost you.
Don't bring any art work, unless you are going to stay here for the rest of your life. It's really hard to get out of the country once it's here, not impossible, but it will cost you.

What do you mean by "cost" in this post?
Wow, you must have the full "plastic surgery at your option" medical plan for that price. Mine costs me about 600 pesos with Medicus, includes dentistry, and so far the treatment I have received has been top quality. Doctors excellent, facilities excellent, diagnostics so thorough that they even sent me for an MRI for my ankle problem, something for which I would have had to pay a fortune or wait years for in the UK. I took it out through some expat group scheme and even my Argentine girlfriend has changed to it as her's was twice the price.

Where is it possible to find those expat group schemes? 600 pesos is damn cheap indeed (considering we have about the same age)
$300 dollars + plus shipping cost and time of getting a clearance certificate from Artes Visuales. Maybe I exaggerated!!!
$300 dollars + plus shipping cost and time of getting a clearance certificate from Artes Visuales. Maybe I exaggerated!!!

Thanks. Who gets the $300 dollars/$3000 pesos?...and is that a cost for each work of art?