Multiple Exchange Rates

el_expatriado said:
The government doesn't WANT to favor importers, but the economic reality favors imported goods by having a dollar that costs 4.45 when I want to buy something abroad. I am buying goods for less than the true value of the dollar (5.60 as of yesterday on the open market).

Where does everyone here obtain their blue rates? Is there a website that lists it somewhere? Or do you just look at a specific store?

Tighter they turn the screws the wider the spread between the official and blue rate becomes. Come hell or high water, Cristina and crew will make this thing work. Pimp your dollar for about 20 %. Not a bad return if you can get dollars at the official rate. One has to wonder what is going on? Read where the government borrowed $160 million from the AR lottery outfit. Not chump change for sure, but it indicates how desperate they are to get their hands on anyone and anything with cash reserves.
Another item, that $30 billion dollar pension fund they nationalized a few years back, the treasury has managed to borrow $18 billion of it and paying the stellar rate of 9%. Not a bad return if you were anywhere else except Argentina: inflation 25- 30%, give or take. Those poor buggers are up the creek. Indeed, multiple exchange rates will be the fix. Makes me sick to think what these people will have to endure if and when this charade ends. Hope I am wrong and full of sh...