My Company tells me this - is it true?


May 25, 2011
My Company tells me this - is it true?

"A complete medical (including providing a blood sample) is a legal requirement in Argentina and they are unable to employ anyone or have anyone assigned to them without this being undertaken."

Is this the letter of Argentinian employment law or not?

Or has my HR department got the wrong end of things?


I was told I needed a complete physical to join a gym so I can completely believe that it would be an employment requirement. Especially if the employer is providing health care coverage.

Whats the problem? It's a good practice to get physicals every once in awhile. Doesn't take too long.
It's called a preocupacional and while I don't know if it's a law, it certainly is common.
I had a preocupational medical exam a few years ago before I started working at a company for a 1 year contract. It reminded me of the exam I had when I thought of joining the army right after high school. The doctor even looked between my toes with a small flashlight!
Davidglen77 said:
I had a preocupational medical exam a few years ago before I started working at a company for a 1 year contract. It reminded me of the exam I had when I thought of joining the army right after high school. The doctor even looked between my toes with a small flashlight!

Thanks for sharing.:p
Yes, it's common and legal and it's basically to see if you are a druguser and/or pregnant. If neither apply you have nothing to worry about
Yes, a medical exam is required for any en blanco job as Nikad said.
And at least in regards to types of jobs that require you going into fabricas, working with machinery, visiting refineries or manufacturing plants, or any intensive work like that, you can look forward to doing the exam annually. Even friends that worked at Deloitte as auditors had to do it every year -- don't know if that's still the case.
When you're hired in Argentina, you must keep in mind, that an employer can legally have you examined by a medical doctor. When you are hired, most companies as a good legal practice will subject you to a medical exam. And once your hired, the company can subject you to medical exams (art. 210 of law 20744 - labor act).

It's a normal practice in Argentina. You must keep in mind that the labor laws in Argentina are very pro-employee.