Names Of Legumes


Jun 4, 2012
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had exact translations for beans that are typically in the stores.

I see Porotos Alubias
Porotos de Manteca
Porotos Pallares
Porotos Cranberry
Does anyone know the translation of these into English? I never cooked that many beans in the States so i am having a problem identifying them well. Are Porotos Alubias Cannelini beans?

Does it really matter? What you found is what is available here. Also black beans, soy beans, garbanzos, etc. Grocery stores and health food stores have varieties.

You rinse the beans under cold running water and sort out what is not edible. Place the beans in a pot and cover with water. Cook covered for an hour on a low flame. Drain and eat. Store in covered container in refrigerator.
I don't know the English names for them either... white beans, black beans, red beans, etc. :p There are several varieties within the same family. The scientific name sometimes helps, but your best bet is going by color and shape to get close to what you want.

From a quick search...

Alubias = Standard white beans (most likely similar to Cannellini if not the same)
[In Spain, beans are called alubias (or judias) so basically Porotos Alubias = Beans Beans.]
Manteca = Butter Beans
Pallares = Lima Beans
Cranberry = Cranberry Beans

I'd say taste them all and see which you like best. :)
I notice some places here use both "bayas" and "porotos" to describe beans. I'm pretty sure cranberries are technically bayas and not porotos.
It matters because i am interested in their names. I am not asking how to cook them. I specially asked what they translate into in English.

Then refer to a Spanish/English dictionary or use Goggle Translate. This forum isn't for translation services.
Check this out:

The pdf contains photos and definitions with english and spanish names, for example:

Poroto pallar
Es: alubia de Lima, frijol lima, garrofón, haba de Lima, judía de Lima, pallar, poroto
de Lima, poroto de manteca, poroto grande. Po: fava terra, feijão de Lima, feijão
favona. Fr: haricot de Lima. It: fagiolo di Lima. In: butter bean, Lima bean, sieva
bean. Al: Limabohne. Ch: cai dou, ling dou, mian dou. Ja: rai mame.