Need A Good, Potent Multivitamin

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Comparing wanting vitamins to wanting cocaine...indeed this has been the reaction here. Hysteria.
You did not just diss Bajo by undermining his profession and displaying a serious lack of respect? He's been extremely generous with his legal advice to many members of this forum.

The RDA (Ingesta diaria recomendada/ ingesta diaria aplicada) was created in the States, but there's a lot controversy surrounding it because some of the recommended daily allowances in the US are higher than in other countries. So I wouldn't use it as the Bible.

Well he does have a "dr." before his name so it must mean he knows that vitamins are as dangerous as cocaine. He said they're like cocaine and they're not for civilized people. What is for civilized people? If I had asked where in Buenos Aires I could find ghey seks I'm sure he (and any of the rest of commenters here) would not have dared to lecture me, although there are studies that show that's actually a lot more dangerous than both, even with protection. That's OK though, right? Because it's not part of orthodoxy today to lecture people about that. Yet there is a fashion about the evils of supplements I see. You Argentines seem to have some serious hysteria over vitamins. Four pages of freaking out at me.

RDA does indeed come from the US. It refers to the minimum dose for bare survival. It was designed so that a minimal dose could be delivered to, say, inner city kids and prevent serious deficiencies like scurvy. It has nothing to do with what a healthy human being should take in, which is in some cases many times the RDA and in other cases (iron, calcium), less. Again, I don't want to get into long arguments here but many who have commented in this thread (and know only one side of studies) and countries like Brazil and Argentina that have this policy about vitamins are quite misinformed. This is an example of cargo-cult-like beliefs.

My question really was about where in Buenos Aires you can find this. Not to have amateur-hour strangers advise me on my health, including an internet "dr." who's actually an ambulance chaser. He claims to be an expert in toxicology. Bajo at what amount do, say, B1, B2, B3, B5 or B6 become toxic? What about D3? Vitamin C? How do these amounts compare with "RDA"? Why are Argentines obese and unhealthy-looking?
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