Need Anything Brought In?

if you have any room for a towel or one pan, awesome- i have been persuaded into the peanut butter world of mil mantecas and try them so no worries on the pb.

I did become obsessed with the NW gossip magazine in oz when i was there but bringing that for me would be like reopening and old wound. A chiko roll would also be diviine.

thanks so much pez- i have people coming from england and the us starting next month so can request anything you need from there...i wish i could think of small things to selfishly request but can't...
Gordita I don´t know where you live but in large Cotos and in Walmart they sell wok style pans without Teflon,the kind that you need to season . They are between 40 and 70 pesos.

Vero, very nice offer. I cannot think of anything I need from Australia, but from what I read on the forum everyone misses Vegemite.If you brought a jar or two I am sure you would have takers .(not me, I am part of the antivegemite crowd ;) )
Bring along a nice bottle of first world efficiency.

And no, I am not reffering to Madrid, unfortunately.

*waits patiently in line for no apparent reason*
Sure I'd love a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich (BLT), a quarter mile of beach from Jupiter, Florida and some hugs from my new granddaughter.

Sorry, you asked a sincere question, I just couldnt resist being a wiseguy. Its probably my heritage, being a New Yorker.

GREETINGS FROM JUPITER!! We went out to the beach y'day and it was lovely :) (Sorry, I couldn't help it when I saw someone mention Jupiter :)
Hi, I actually need a cable brought in:
The cost is 51USD, of course I could buy it online and have it shipped to you. I will pm you now, my email is nycbsas at yahoo dot com