The risk involved in getting caught at customs is very high.
IF you where to buy or receive a new computer you should use DHL or Fedex.
Do not use Postal Service, just courier services. because it's too value to risk.
Very Important:
You should consider the full price as: computer value + shipping + customs costs + courier papperwork. Normally DHL/Fedex can predict shipping but not customs.
In my expierience: Computer value: (for eg.) USD 2000 + Shipping DHL (USD 150) + DHL Papperwork Fee and Customs (USD 1188.50) a total of USD 3.332 in your case would be just USD 1.338,00
In that case you will conclude that the most logical decision would be to acquire the computer in some local reseller or partner. Or travel to the US and bring the computer back with you (i'm supposing you have us citizenship or else but not argentinean), if you are argentinean there's a workaround.
A third option would be to call someone that actually works in an airline, but I don not have such contact now.