New arrival -- anyone wanna meet for dinner/drink?


Aug 18, 2007
A todos,I'm a 25 yr old guy from Boston. I just got into Baires this afternoon (staying until January) and am looking to make some friends. If anyone would be interested in meeting up for dinner/drinks. Let me know. My email address is boufford at gmail dot com See ya,Mike

My husband and I are formerly from MA and now in NH. Traveling to BA for one month. Have been in contact with several others either visiting or living in BA and we are getting together on Sunday, October 7th, 2:30 PM for an asado at La Tranquera, Av. Figueroa Alcorta 6464, Capital Federal.Anyone is welcome to come just let me know and I will let Adam (he is making the reservations) include you in.
hey mike and stella,

i also just arrived in bs as and will be here until mid december and would love to meet some people. i'm originally from california but "live" in new york. i'd love to join the oct 7 get together, and mike if you want to grab a drink before then, i'm around, staying in palermo so feel free to drop me a note.

I would be interested in attending the asado mentioned by Stella as well. I am 25/M have been in BA for a month and will be here til December. Stella, if possible could you let me know if that will work. My email is
Hey! I can only repeat Mike's text. I'm a 30/F from Germany and just got into Buenos Aires a few days ago and will be staying for 6 months. So, if you're up for a drink or dinner, let me know. I'd be happy to have some company and good laughs. Also, if anybody's reading this in time, I'd be up for something tonight. I have to fight the jetlag :)
Hi guys, I'm also a new arrival to BA, am 24 year old girl from NYC and am looking to make some friends here. I arrived early Sept and am here 2 years for my Masters, am living in Palermo Viejo. I'd like to join the Oct 7 asado -- Stella, is that invitation still open? My email is Amy
I'd also like to join the asado next Sunday. Stella, could you please write to corinna_klause@yahoo. and let me know if that's possible? Thanks. And if anybody's up for drinks, dinner, movies, etc, just email me. I live in Palermo. Going for a run in the parks now :) See ya
Hi there, I'm a 22 year old girl from Germany, and , if there is any table big enough for all of us, I'd be happy to join for the asado, too :) Stella, please let me know if it's possible!
My mail: morellocooler@gmx.netI'll be here for 10 months, so if anybody is interested in meeting up sometime to check out some bars, interesting places etc. here in bsas, send me a mail! Regards, Stefanie
Hey, I am a 35yr old guy from California... just arrived in BA last night after 9 months travelling around the world. I don't know anyone here; I'll be here at least a month, and am considering relocating here permanently if I like it enough. If there's room at the asado, let me know! my email is kenmtraveller at yahoo dot com Thanks,Ken
Hi all, American male upwards of 40 living here in BA. Hope that´s not "too old" to join you all this Sunday. Can give useful info and tips to newcomers. Where do we sign up?