bradlyhale said:
I've never met a single person from the Americas who called themselves an American other than a U.S. citizen. Sure, when you prod them on the technicalities of the term, they will say, "We are all Americans." The day I meet someone from the Americas who is from Canada or any other countries other than the U.S. and they refer to themselves as an "American," I will come running back to this thread and apologize.
And actually, I am not a big fan of the concept of nationality. I think it's divisive and discriminatory. I just find this particular debate to be quite absurd because people who are not from the United States would never, in reality, refer to themselves as an "American."
You can bet those who actually object to estadounidenses being called "American" are those who generally have a problem with the US to begin with. I know many Argentines who don't have a problem in the world with estadounidenses calling themselves American, and indeed I am usually asked if I'm an "Americano" or a "Norteamericano" much more often than I am asked if I'm an "estadounidense." They will roll their eyes when I say "but we're all Americans living in the Western Hemisphere" and say "yeah, but you know what I mean."
The funny thing, to me, is that I don't even think we necessarily call ourselves "Americans" due to arrogance, for the most part (nothing in nature is 100%). You all might have noticed that I used the term "estadounidense" when referring to Americans from the US. That's a great name for someone from the States. Much better than norteamericano because gee, sometimes the Canadians get upset being lumped in with us Americans from the US, and Mexico doesn't necessarily not object either.
But what else would we actually call ourselves in English?
United States of American?
United Statesian?
United Stateser?
USAer? ("you-es-ayer" as well as "U S A er")
USer? (same as above)
I mean come on. I don't think the founding fathers of the States really thought about how the name would apply to travelers outside its borders, particularly considering that it was the first country in the New World to gain independence from its European power and set up a country in "the Americas".
Americans will never stop calling themselves Americans because they have nothing else to call themselves.
Everyone in the world will know that America is not referring to anywhere except the US when talking about a country, and most sensible people will also understand that that in no way is intended to demean any other nation in "the Americas."
People who dislike US Americans (whether or not those with the dislike are from the US!) and live in "the Americas" will always resent people from the US calling themselves simply "Americans."
I always say I'm an estadounidense. I understand that it can offend some Argentinos for one to call oneself "American" when from the US, but then I also know that many things offend Argentinos and I don't go around saying those other things in front of just any Argentino either.
Spanish provided a nice way of saying "United States of American" without it sounding funny and it probably should be used by all.