New Exchange Rate On Wednesday

I dont forsee myself using any of my cards in BA at least for a year till I am sure the dust has settled down!
Can someone please point me to a publication that announces that Argentina's official exchange rate has changed to 13.5 pesos to the dollar?
Can someone please point me to a publication that announces that Argentina's official exchange rate has changed to 13.5 pesos to the dollar?

That doesn't exist. The BCRA is still voting on the measures. No one will know for sure until tomorrow.

Thank you tremendously for your info on withdrawal limits and prohibitions dependent upon which bank one has and which countries' atms one will be using abroad. I will be asking my French bank about its own limits in Arg thanks to your raising this detail here and your help. Grazie, Gracias! I presumed (yikes!) that the daily limit applicable in the country of the card's issuer would be the same amount in all countries one used it.

btw, it's even more stunning that one Italian debit card you know can't be used to withdraw funds in just one US STATE -Illinois!!?! I wonder how your bank can afford the staff to inform every Italian customer who'll travel to be in Chicago this.

I thought it was beyond silly prior to my moving to France when a Canadian credit card company asked me by 'phone to spell (twice each) the names of all 28 EU countries when I notified it I'd be using my card in the European Union! But your example of Illinois takes the cake.
I remember so well some 35 yrs ago when there was a feriado bancario, that meant bad news! massive devaluations at the time. I guess we will see! Que Dios nos ayude!