New Residency Requirements from March 2019

I believe Venezuelans today can apply for ARG residency either as immigrants or refugees depending on the current circumstances of the individual.
It will be up to ARG Migraciones to determine under which category their application may be accepted.
Sensible and practical.

No No No. Not sensible, Ben.

There has been cases of hard core Venezuelans criminals escaping to Ecuador and Colombia and creating a major crime situation. Obviously Ven. gives a damn. The jails are open and criminals are escaping to nearby countries.. We are lucky we are quite far, distance wise and ease of reach.

There was a case recently when a serial killer from Ven, killed several people in Guayaquil, Ecuador which resulted in a major manifestation of Ecuadorians demanding a ban on Ven immigration.
Hey all!

For those of you out there going through residency related processes.

From March 2019 onwards you'll need to show no crimes (antecedentes penales) committed in the last 10 years.

"From next Wednesday to reside in Argentina must prove 10 years without criminal records"


Good luck all! ;-)
I believe the previous requirement, the last 3 years, included a proviso about 'a place you lived for 1 year or more'. Will this also apply to the new 10 year requirement?
I believe the previous requirement, the last 3 years, included a proviso about 'a place you lived for 1 year or more'. Will this also apply to the new 10 year requirement?

No idea, sorry ;=(

If you manage to find the answer, from a reputable source, please update this thread to help others though ;)
I believe the previous requirement, the last 3 years, included a proviso about 'a place you lived for 1 year or more'. Will this also apply to the new 10 year requirement?

If, as I believe, that the the new 10 year requirement is already in effect, you "should" be able to see if the 1 year provision is specified on the appropriate migraciones web page.
If, as I believe, that the the new 10 year requirement is already in effect, you "should" be able to see if the 1 year provision is specified on the appropriate migraciones web page.

Looking but so far not finding the right page with that requirement.
Just finished renewing my residency a few months ago (for the 3rd year in a row without US background check this time). Next year I am eligible for permanent residency. I am from the States. Will I need to 'start from zero' and start all over again, please? This is worrying as this year's renewal was a huge undertaking to say the least (even with the help of a very experienced attorney!) Wow.
No No No. Not sensible, Ben.

There has been cases of hard core Venezuelans criminals escaping to Ecuador and Colombia and creating a major crime situation. Obviously Ven. gives a damn. The jails are open and criminals are escaping to nearby countries.. We are lucky we are quite far, distance wise and ease of reach.

There was a case recently when a serial killer from Ven, killed several people in Guayaquil, Ecuador which resulted in a major manifestation of Ecuadorians demanding a ban on Ven immigration.

Look, if you're going to close the door on Venezuelans, make it official.

I am not going (or at least was not planning) to wade into the debate whether and at what point do nations have a moral obligation to accept refugees from failed states with devastating human conditions. Notwithstanding that these refugee populations may well have at least one criminal among them, even if the crime rate is substantially lower than that of the local population.

All I was saying was that requiring a criminal background check is effectively shutting out all Venezuelans for the forseeable future.

And once we are talking about the pros and cons of Venezuelan immigration, I will say what I know. A couple of friends who routinely hire unskilled labor, say that hands down, on balance Venezuelans rate far higher in terms of both honesty and work ethic than do Argentines. No comparison. All in blanco mind you.
Just finished renewing my residency a few months ago (for the 3rd year in a row without US background check this time). Next year I am eligible for permanent residency. I am from the States. Will I need to 'start from zero' and start all over again, please? This is worrying as this year's renewal was a huge undertaking to say the least (even with the help of a very experienced attorney!) Wow.

Was this your third renewal or was it the third time you submitted paperwork to migraciones?

It has been my understanding (for more than a decade) that anyone with temporary residency can request the cambio de cagegoria to residencia permanente at the third renewal and that they must do so at the fourth.

As far as I know, when you ask for the upgrade to permanent residency you will have to submit the same paperwork that was required for the previous renewals, but you will have to wait longer for the cambio der categoris to be approved than you have for the renewals.

Based on what you wrote, it appears that you had to submit a new background check from the US for at least one previous renewal. Is that correct?

For the benefit off others who may be about too renew their temporary residency could you please explain why this year's renewal was a huge undertaking" and why you needed the "help of a very experienced attorney."
Looking but so far not finding the right page with that requirement.

Google migraciones argentina,

Click on Trámites


Click on Residencia Temporaria

Look to the right to see the list of residencias temporaria


Scroll down to read the requirements

The new ten year requirement does not yet appear but I expect that it soon will and the one year provision will apply to the entire decade.

(resto del mundo excepto países miembros y asociados al MERCOSUR)


Todos aquellos extranjeros NO nativos de los países miembros y estados asociados al MERCOSUR deberán iniciar sus solicitudes de residencia, en el Departamento Gestión de Trámites NO MERCOSUR, de la Dirección de Radicaciones, de la Dirección General de Inmigración, Dirección Nacional de Migraciones, o en alguna de sus delegaciones en el interior del país. A los fines de regularizar su situación migratoria, los solicitantes deberán acompañar una serie de documentos personales comunes a todos los tipos de trámite y adicionalmente, documentación probatoria de la adecuación de cada migrante al criterio de admisión bajo el cual solicita la residencia.

Tasas migratorias: Ver Cuadro tarifario | Tramites sujetos al pago de tasas retributivas de servicios



- IDENTIDAD: Cédula de Identidad, Pasaporte o Certificado de Nacionalidad con foto, originales. Estos documentos deberán encontrarse vigentes y en buen estado de conservación.

- CERTIFICADO DE ANTECEDENTES PENALES ARGENTINOS Emitido por Registro Nacional de Reincidencia o Policía Federal. Solo exigible a mayores de 16 años.

- CERTIFICADO QUE ACREDITE FEHACIENTEMENTE QUE NO REGISTRA CONDENAS ANTERIORES NI PROCESOS PENALES EN TRÁMITE emitidos por las autoridades competentes de los países donde haya residido por un plazo superior a UN (1) año, durante el transcurso de los últimos TRES (3) años. Solo exigible a mayores de 16 (dieciséis) años.

- DECLARACION JURADA de carencia de antecedentes penales en otros países, (será confeccionada en migraciones al momento de la solicitud de residencia).

- INGRESO. Sello de ingreso al país estampado en el documento de viaje o en la tarjeta migratoria.


- UNA FOTO 4x4 COLOR (Deberá ser actual, tomada de frente, medio busto, con la cabeza totalmente descubierta, color, con fondo uniforme blanco y liso, permitiendo apreciar fielmente y en toda su plenitud los rasgos faciales de su titular al momento de realizar el trámite).

- Constancia expedida por un gobierno u organismo internacional que certifique que usted recibe una pensión o jubilación, en forma regular y permanente, como así también el monto y duración de dicho beneficio.
A fin de acreditar los extremos deberá presentar documentación que avale el carácter de pensionado.


• Toda documentación expedida en el extranjero deberá contar con la legalización del Consulado Argentino, sito en el país emisor del documento Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Comercio Internacional y Culto, o Apostillada, si el país hubiera ratificado el Convenio de La Haya.
• Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en los acuerdos o convenciones internacionales vigentes, toda documentación expedida por las representaciones consulares en el territorio nacional, deberá contar con la legalización del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Comercio Internacional y Culto, excepto MERCOSUR.
• Toda documentación expedida en idioma extranjero deberá contar con la traducción al castellano efectuada por Traductor Público Nacional (Art. 6° Ley 20.305) y legalizada por el Colegio de Traductores.
• La documentación a presentar deberá ser original. La Dirección Nacional de Migraciones podrá solicitar, si así lo considerase necesario, documentación adicional a la detallada