I think the biggest thing is Consistency, not what your serving but that it is always the same.
Customers go back to the Huge Franchise restaurants because its always the same.
I personally feel from working in many restaurants/bars before doing what I do now
(and this does include what i do now) is Consistency.
Keeping the same staff,same location(Which I know I have lost clients for in the past)
Same menu,same size portions, and alas providing the same service.
Do Not Ignore the table, but don't over serve.
Give incentives to your staff. Make them want to work for you.
Its not 100% about what the food is like; but are people always being greeted the same way, by the same staff. The Atmosphere.
Hire competent friendly staff, not the bartender with the big boobs and the guy with the killer jaw line.( who spend more time chatting with their friends, than taking care of your guests)
Guest's that come into a business notice when there isn't consistent staff.
Owners tend to blame failure on not having good staff. It's not their fault, but really the success of a business or failure comes down to one person. YOU
But the common thread of places that switch things all the time is the--> OWNERS.
In fact most owners screw up a business before the employees do.
Its not about having cheap fast food , but Consistency
Start small with the business, Get a good solid clientele before making it a gong show.
McDonald's started with one sandwich, one person, one type of Consistent service. This is why now they have a solid business, and make billions of Dollars every year.
They didn't start as something huge but its because of the Consistency they are still open over 50 years later.
I know this from owning a small business and trying to build it slowly into a bigger one. Step by step.
I know "Free" anything is not a good Idea. And anyone who says that obviously hasn't owned or ran a company or location.
Clients don't really give a crap about "free"
Free Refills can cost thousands of pesos a month. And that is why people dont do it here. Not cost effective.
In fact guests will 9 out of 10 times get another drink (and pay for it), If actually asked.
Clean dirty plates off the table, Clean the floors, bathrooms.
Not a Huge Menu, Huge List of Drinks, Millions Of Locations, Staff, and Problems.
Keep the place clean even if it is a bar.
Take 5% of your monthly profit and invest it back into our business and staff.
When your location starts to look like Sugar (which smells like a dump and has horrible staff) People like my self or others don't go back... Ever.
When things fall apart FIX THEM. CORRECTLY. Not cheaply.
And that is my humble Opinion.
I wish You all the best in Opening a business, follow your passion and heart and you will be bound to be successful!