new to the board.. bored

Ghost educate me is there an equivalent in american english to what is described in australian as "whinging poms"?

whistling "always look on the bright side of life"
It would seem the moral of this expat board is "avoid banks.." avoiding banks is a complete no brainer... to a lesser degree i recommend avoiding doing anything "en blanco" or dealing with anything officially. paperwork, dni, residency, visas, its all for the birds. just overstay your tourist visa, party, and pay the $300 fine on your way out.
He may have been hanging out with aussies. Very common the ol cheers even on work emails.

There's abso -f'íng - lutely no way you's from Philly, yo! There wasn't a single yo or you's in your post!

Are you sure you aren't some Brit trying to masquerade like you's from Philly? I don't know why you would. I'm jus' sayin'.

And yes, I'm from Philly .... yo. :)