Sergio, I appreciate your sticking up for New York, but I do think that your reaction is a bit strong in comparison to my rather passive title “Would this Happen in New York?” True enough, it did imply that the blazer might not have been returned in New York, but I hardly spewed invective about my own country or about New York City specifically. Incidentally, my husband is from a suburb of the city, my sister-in-law lives in the city, my father-in-law works in NY, I have family that lives in Manhattan, we know many wonderful people from New York. That does not change the fact that I would say, pound for pound, big city to big city, the people of Buenos Aires are as a whole, warmer and more helpful. Does that mean I hate New York? Does that mean New Yorkers do not extend a helping hand? Does that mean that Americans suck? No. I would also say that Argentinians are warmer and more helpful than the populations of other large cities in which I have lived, such as Madrid, Taipei and London. There, does that take some of the sting away?
It’s sort of sweet though, that you’re sticking up for the poor defenseless people of New York!