No Sh*t!


Mar 10, 2012
I had to do a triple-take when I walked past this yesterday next to MALBA. Wow!

I saw a guy trying to pick up his dog's poop on a busy sidewalk yesterday. He grabbed it with his hand (covered by a bag) and then, rather than inverting the bag, he just tried to walk across the busy sidewalk, arm stretched in front of him, to throw the poop away. He almost smeared it on a few people, but did make it to the can. Baby steps.
Further proof that the government does care and is trying, in spite of all the vitriol poured upon them. No, they're not perfect, but they're far from the monsters some people claim.
Don't know too many people on this forum dumping (no pun intended) on the city government. certainly nothing so vitriolic as on the national gov't.
In general those things under city jurisdiction appear better managed by an order of magnitude.
Further proof that the government does care and is trying, in spite of all the vitriol poured upon them. No, they're not perfect, but they're far from the monsters some people claim.

Yeah, well this is the city government
I saw a guy trying to pick up his dog's poop on a busy sidewalk yesterday. He grabbed it with his hand (covered by a bag) and then, rather than inverting the bag, he just tried to walk across the busy sidewalk, arm stretched in front of him, to throw the poop away. He almost smeared it on a few people, but did make it to the can. Baby steps.

He was trying to save the bag for the next one. Dog poop-weeping AND recycling. You couldn't ask better.
Today I saw a big old dog with a prostate problem. After he finished dribbling on the lamppost, his owner dragged him away still leaking out catching a few toddlers on the legs - fortunately the little tykes didn't notice. I barely escaped getting my Air Jordan's soaked. Lucky I'm fancy in my foot work.
Joe in his Hood this morning:
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