yes because no one got shot trying to change money and i've not been a witness to an increased amount of crime over the past year or so.....
I didnt say that. What Im saying is that there are a lot of this type of news, that there are a LIE. "Operacion mediatica". Imagine you are the owner of a country club in the suburbs of Buenos Aires and you want to sell it, when do you get more money for your business, when you read and watch in the media that everything is quiet and safe or when you have a constant attack of thieves, and a crime increasing scene? Of course, you, as the owner of a house, or the entire country club, doesnt matter, you ll have more beneffit when everything is insecure. This is an example of one little tiny portion of interests that beneffit of saying that everything is wrong and caotic and insecure. You must see how the country club boom have grown in the last past 10 years. It is a HUGE business, but still, a little portion of what explains insecurity.
So this is important. We actually found people that beneffits of being everything wrong! There are others, such as the idea of install fear at every moment, in which the USA media are expert, or even the police political interests in insecurity (thats why when you see these operaciones mediaticas, you see policemen and stuff.)
There are tons of interests that take you to the point of selling insecurity. It is indeed a business. From the top, and the main reason, political interests, to the bottom, the guy that sells you the alarm or the armored door.
This I say doesnt mean that crime actually doesnt exists. Ojo.