Nutella !! Nutella !! Nutella !!

Johnniewalker. I have looked here and in uruguay to no avail. My daughter is devastated. :/.
My local Carefourre on Rivadavia has not only wee jars of nutella but also local peanut butter!

Haven't seen the great wee nutella's that come with a drinking glass for a while though. They did have some horrible plastic ones a while back. Useless can't justify nutella without the drinking glasses!
I was at the Carrefour on Ave. La Plata today, they have the stuff but didn't think to check out the price.
I have to admit I have never tasted the stuff...
I was looking for whipped cream but was told it is only avail. in Uruguay because it is an imported item. (?)
Does anybody know where can I get whipped cream in a can ???

Any cream that carries as close to 40% or over of fat and is liquid in the jar should be good to beat with an electrical beater. Well, with a manual balloon beater as well, but you might want some help there.

In school we used to have cake races. The different groups had to perform in different tasks and they earned ingredients towards a cake, berries, sweets... Lastly all groups got some cream in a masonry jar that we shook until the cream solidified. So I guess that is a third option if you don't have the fore mentioned tools.

Some people say that if you almost freeze milk, you can beat it into cream as well, but I have never been desperate or curious enough to try that.
Ive seen whiped cream in disco once.

But seriously why not just whip cream? It only takes a few minutes by hand and a few seconds in the kitchen aid. No reason for your daughter to be devistated
You can buy a whip cream creamer and nitrous oxide capsules. fill with cream from the grocery store, add nitrous and voila, your daughter has sprayable whipcream in a can.
Will there be a service in Buenos Aires?
The Creator of Nutella, Michelle Ferrero, died he was the richest man in Italy.


The group had an annual turnover of more than eight billion euros ($A11.61 billion) in the year to August 2014.
Ferrero and his family are estimated by Forbes to hold Italy's biggest fortune at $US23.4 billion ($A30.2 billion), making him the 30th richest man in the world.
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