jp said:Wow.
Was all that directed at me? Impressive staw man.
Well, not exactly, or to you only.
There are alot of folks who trully blieve that US and "coalition" forces in Afghan there to chatch some Talibans or "Al-Queda" personnel. (for what reason????)
The MasterSuperGrand BS that official US propaganda poured into open eyers is outrageous. The Taliban highest leaders back in 98 proclaimed dead sentence for growing opium and or re-sell or distribute within Taliban controlled areas.
There are pages of materials on how the Uncle Sam was in control of the world drug traffic, Columbian wars, VietNam, Laos, Cambojia and Afghan
And how "our dearly beloved one" will continue to do what he being told to do by elite.
Forget that freaking "light crude", the opium is the king of trades now.